Chapter 1

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"Luke!" Luke Skywalker looked up from his X-Wing to see Han jogging over. "Hey Han, how was the supply run?" Han waved his hand in the air. "It was easy. A toddler could have done it with their eyes closed. But I got something big for you." Luke grabbed a rag and wiped his hands clean as he climbed down the ladder. "What is it?" "I found someone who says they're a Jedi." Luke frowned. "Where did you find them?" "I found her on Shili. She said that she left the Jedi Order before Order 66." Luke nodded. "Where is she?" Han started walking back the way he had come. "She's in the bay, I thought you'd want to meet her first." Luke walked after Han, and R2 beeped and followed them.

As Luke and Han entered the bay, a tall figure talking to a pilot turned around. She was a Togruta, and her head tails were white with blue stripes. She didn't look old, which surprised Luke. As he and Han came up, he bowed. "It's an honor to meet you, master." "Don't call me that." Luke looked up, surprised. "I was never a master." Luke nodded. "My name is Luke Skywalker, and this is Han Solo." The Togruta nodded. "We introduced ourselves when we met on Shili." Han grinned. "She said her name is - " R2 interrupted with a piercing whistle as he tore around Luke's legs and spun around in front of the Togruta. She looked down and her eyes widened with astonishment. Luke stepped forward and reached out towards R2. "Hey, R2, what's going on, bud-" 

He stopped in shock as the Jedi dropped to her knees and and looked closely at R2. "R2?" She whispered. She grinned, barely a twitch at first, but widening as he whistled a reply. She wrapped her arms around R2 and hugged him tightly as he whistled over and over again. "Artooie!" "You know him?" The Jedi look up, grinning, and her smile faded. "He belonged to my old master." Han looked at R2 and frowned. "Hey, Luke, didn't you say that - " He stopped as the Jedi stood up and looked sharply at Luke. "You said your name was Skywalker?" Luke nodded, and he was surprised to see a flash of emotion in her eyes. "Was someone in your family a Jedi?" Luke looked down at R2, who was contentedly waiting by the Jedi's side, and nodded. "My father. His name was Anakin." 

He looked up and saw that her face had gone blank. "Well, my name is Ahsoka. Ahsoka Tano. I felt what happened, and I decided to leave Shili." "Hey, do you want to come sit down? I was planning on checking with Chewie, and thought I'd grab something to eat on the way." Han looked at the two of them. Luke felt a rush of gratitude for Han trying to defuse the situation. Ahsoka nodded, and she and Luke fell into step with Han. 

"What happened on the Death Star?" Ahsoka asked as they walked out of the bay with R2 rolling along beside them. "I encountered the Emperor and Darth Vador, and the Emperor tried to convince me to join him." Luke's stomach twisted as he thought of how angry he had been, and how close he had gone to the dark. "I refused, and he had Vador attack me. We fought, and I defeated him. Then the Emperor was killing me with electrocution, and Vador..." Luke bit his lip as he remembered that night. "Vador saved me." He looked at Ahsoka, expecting to see disbelief, but was surprised to see something approaching happiness. She rubbed her hand across her eyes and rested her hand on R2. "Did he say why he did it?" Luke nodded. "He said that I was right, about there still being good in him." 

"Well, here's the kitchen, do you guys want anything to eat?" Ahsoka looked up as they walked into the kitchen. Several pilots were in there, as well as some people dressed in civilian clothes and a couple droids. Han made a beeline for a Wookie sitting at a table in the corner working with metal, and Luke and Ahsoka sat down at the table running down the center of the room. Luke looked at Ahsoka and frowned. "You don't seem surprised about Vador at all." Ahsoka shook her head. "I knew that something like this would happen. He isn't evil." Luke blinks. "Who are you talking about?" Ahsoka looked at him. "Anakin Skywalker, your father, and my old master." Luke leaned forward. His eyes searched her face. "So you knew my father when he was a Jedi?" Ahsoka nodded. "He was my master, and he was the only person I trusted. We fought together in the Clone Wars, and he taught me so much." 

There was a thud, and Han slid onto the stool next to Luke. "So, I wanted to introduce you to my friend, Ahsoka. This is my copilot, Chewbacca." He gestured towards the Wookie, and the Wookie roared. Ahsoka nodded, then stopped. "Your name is Chewbacca?" Chewie nodded, and she stood up. Even with her headtails, Ahsoka was still three inches shorter than Chewie. Ahsoka stared at the belt he wore across his chest, then looked hard at his face. "Do you remember the Transdoshans? Where they kidnapped people to hunt, and we fought them?" Chewie stares at her, then his eyes light up. He roars and wraps his arms around her in a hug, lifting her off the ground, and Han, Luke, and the entire kitchen stare in amazement. As Chewie sets her down and she turns, eyes sparkling, back to Luke, Han clears his throat. "Do you think that maybe you could explain how you know both R2 and Chewie?"

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