Chapter 4

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Luke sighed as he walked out of the Junkyard. He had taken Ahsoka there after they grabbed a bite to eat, and she had immediately started exploring the many ships in there. She had been surprised at the name, and Luke had explained that before this was a Rebel base, it was actually a junkyard, so there were ship parts in there from the time of the Clone Wars. He rubbed his hand across his eyes as he walked back into the main hanger.

"Hey, look out!" Luke looked up and stepped aside just in time to miss colliding with a stack of boxes with legs. Luke blinked and frowned, then looked behind the stack of boxes. Carrying them was a pilot he didn't know personally. "Do you need help?" The pilot shook his head. "No, I'm good. I didn't want to waste time walking back and forth, so I grabbed all the supplies at once." Luke looked at him with amusement and started walking next to him. "What's your name?" The pilot glanced at him. "I'm Petro. What's yours?" "I'm Luke."

Petro's walk slowed for a moment, then went back to normal. "Luke Skywalker?" Luke nodded. "Yes, that's me." "So you're the Jedi? Nice to meet you." Luke looked up as they were about to enter the hallway. "Petro, I think your crates are too tall to fit in the hallway." Petro shook his head. "Nah, they'll be fine, I'm sure. So how did you get your training if-" "Careful!" Luke reached out just as the top box collided with a beam and fell off the stack, and caught it neatly. "Huh." Petro looked up at the top of his stack. "I guess you were right."

Luke examined the box in his hands, which was a little larger then his head. "So what do you have in here?" Petro shrugged. "Nothing really, just some personal items. Oh shoot!" Petro cursed as he slipped on something, then straightened as the top two boxes leaned and slipped off the stack. "Catch them!" Luke's hands were full, but he turned to try to grab the boxes anyway. But they were too far away, and Luke couldn't reach them.

The two boxes were an inch away from hitting the ground when they froze, suspended in midair. Luke looked up and saw Ahsoka was standing there, with her hand outstretched. She made a flicking motion with her wrist, and the two crates floated up and landed neatly in her arms. She smiled at Luke, then looked at Petro, who was trying to see around the last three crates he was carrying. "How did you do that?" Petro asked, blinking at Ahsoka around his crates. "Don't worry, I caught them. Let's take them wherever you wanted to put them." Petro nodded and started walking, and Ahsoka and Luke followed him. They eventually came to the pilot sleeping quarters, and Petro managed to open his door and drop his crates on the table.

Ahsoka and Luke followed him in and set their crates down as well next to his. He turned and grinned at them, then put his hand out to shake Luke's. "Thanks for the help. If you hadn't caught that crate, then I probably would have dropped the others as well." Luke took his hand and shook it. "It was nothing." Then Petro looked at Ahsoka. "And the same goes for you. If you hadn't caught those crates, I don't know what I would've done." Ahsoka shook his hand as well, and he grinned. "How did you do that, anyway? It looked like you were using the Force, are you a Jedi?" Ahsoka nodded. "My name is Ahsoka." Petro grinned cockily at her. "It's a pleasure to meet you Ahsoka! My name's Petro, I'm kind of new here."

Petro turned back to Luke, his grin fading slightly. "So there are two Jedi here now?" Luke nodded. "Yes, Han brought Ahsoka back on his trip yesterday. She was a padowan in the Clone Wars." Petro looks at Ahsoka with an impressed expression on his face. "You saw those wars? What were they like?" Ahsoka shrugged slightly and looked at him. "They were a war. Similar to this rebel war you fought, but all over the galaxy. Every single planet was a battlefield of some sort." Petro looked at her, and Luke noticed that Petro was frowning slightly as he looked at Ahsoka. "Well, is there anything else you need help with Petro?" Luke asked quietly. Petro started slightly and shook his head as if he had been distracted, then looked at Luke. "No, thanks for the offer. I've got it from here. It was nice meeting you both!" Petro opens the door for them, and Luke and Ahsoka both leave the room. Petro closed the door behind them, and Luke looked at Ahsoka and shrugged. "I didn't know him, but he was having issues with the crates, so I helped him." Ahsoka nodded and grinned at him. "I did the same." Ahsoka clasped her hands behind her back as they started walking back down the hall, and Luke looked at her expectantly. She looked over at him and opened her mouth, then stopped, closed it, then opened it again.

"Actually, I wanted to ask you something. When Han gets back, I want to go through Artooie's databanks to find video files of your mother." Luke looks at her in surprise. "Would you be able to do that? I thought that droids always had their information erased after it wasn't required." Ahsoka tilted her head slightly. "Usually that would be the case, but my master never deleted any files he gave to R2. So R2 is actually carrying the majority of the plans and communications between my master and other people, as well as surveillance footage from several different locations. I know that I'll be able to find something with your mother in it."

Luke's mind spun with the idea of seeing what his mother actually looked like. He looked at Ahsoka, and Ahsoka grinned slightly at him. He nodded and shook his head, clearing the shocked expression from his face. There was a sound of someone running up behind them, and he and Ahsoka turned to see a teenage girl running up to Luke. She stopped in front of him and grinned. "Han just contacted us. He's bringing the Wookie back and should be here soon."

Luke looked at Ahsoka as the teenager ran back the way she came. "Do you want to go meet the youngling?" Ahsoka nodded, and he and Ahsoka walked down the hall, and entered the main shipyard just as the Millennium Falcon landed. Ahsoka grinned at Luke as they waited for Han and the wookie child. "What do you think about the first youngling coming?" Ahsoka looked curiously at Luke. Luke shrugged. "I don't know exactly. I have no idea how younglings were treated in the Jedi Order. I don't even know what the Jedi Order was like, and my training was unusual, to say the least." Luke looked at Ahsoka. "That's why I'm glad you're here. You'll be able to show me how the Order worked with younglings." Ahsoka smiled, but whatever she was going to say was cut off by the door opening.

Han stepped out of the ship and waved at them, then looked back into the ship. "Well, come on. They're not going to bite you, you can come out." At first nothing moved, then a small figure stepped out, and Luke stifled a gasp. The Wookie's fur was pure white, without a streak of color anywhere in its coat. Luke looked at Han in shock as he walked towards them. Han shrugged at the expression on Luke's face, and looked back at the small Wookie following him. "I think that's why they decided to send her to become a Jedi. They believe that white fur is a sign of misfortune. Usually they're set against Wookies leaving home this early.

Ahsoka crouched down and extended her hand out to the small Wookie, who looked at her cautiously. "Hello, what's your name? My name's Ahsoka." The small Wookie looked at her before putting one of her tiny paws in Ahsoka's hand carefully. "My name is Spetevge, and it's nice to meet you." Ahsoka smiled, and Spetevge smiled back. "Han!" Luke looked up and saw Leia walking towards Han with a smile on her face. "It's good to see you made it back safely." Han grinned broadly. "Is that relief I hear in your voice?" "What? No! I just heard there was a group of people making trouble for any ships going past their territory." Leia tries to hide a smile, but Han grins and grabs her around the waist, then spins her around until she laughs. He sets her down carefully, and she holds onto his arm to steady herself.

Luke smiled and looked down at Spetevge, and noticed that she had walked over to stand in front of him. She held out her paw and smiled. "It's nice to meet you." Luke shook her paw, and Leia looked at Spetevge. "We can show you where you're staying, if you want." Spetevge nodded. "That would be nice." Ahsoka looked at Leia as she stood up. "After that, I want to talk to you all in the computer lab. I should be able to access R2's data banks and show you security footage from the Clone Wars." Leia looked at Ahsoka curiously. "What would that do?" Luke put his hand on Leia's shoulder, and smiled when she looked at him. "It means she'd be able to show us what our mother looked like." Leia's eyes widened and she looked back at Ahsoka. "Is that true?" Luke looked at Ahsoka, who nodded slowly, and Leia smiled. "That would be wonderful, Ahsoka. Thank you."

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