Chapter 1

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Placing a small brown box on my bed I let out a sigh, placing my head in my hands. The stress of everything weighs on my shoulders as I look at the mess in front of me. Chewie's toys littered the ground, dirt/dust from the room not being cared for, and multiple boxes were thrown around. Remembering what I have gone done makes me realize the stress that I have at that moment wasn't as bad. Standing up I move to clean up my bedroom.

After everything that happened and all the bruises healed, Sidney and I thought it was best for us to leave town. Leaving the horrible memories behind and making new ones in a much safer place. So we packed up what things we had, piled it all in a moving truck, and moved halfway across the country. Dewey helped find us a cheap house, using his skills to make sure we are satisfied with what we needed.

We moved into a beautiful two-story house, with four bedrooms and two baths. It was a beautiful victorian style house, something that surprised me with how cheap it was. Doesn't matter to me, all I know is that I'm glad Sidney and me are far away from Billy.

Oh, Billy...

The cops never found him the night of the killings or even weeks after. Seems like Billy high-tailed it out of Stu's house and is hiding from everyone. Nobody has seen a glimpse of him but is on high alert for him. When Sidney and I moved we made sure to tell nobody, only Dewey. Another thing we did is move with hopefully nobody knowing. We just up and left town, like a switch. Just a random Tuesday morning we left, thinking of any possible situations to ensure our safety.

Chewie waddles into my new bedroom, a small grey bunny in his mouth. He places it on the floor, along with all his other toys, before leaving with a visible smirk. Scoffing, I follow him. A few choice words escaped my lips about him not being able to clean up after himself before I let him guide me downstairs to the kitchen. Sidney was there dancing to the radio as she put dishes away. 

"I'm happy to be here," She says, turning the music down. "Under better circumstances though, you know."

I grab a few dishes myself, helping Sidney unpack, "I'm used to moving city after city, but it feels good to be here with a friend. Doesn't seem so lonely now., well with Chewie like always."

"What about your parents? Do they know? About anything?"

"Just told them I am leaving the house with no details, and taking the items out of it to help us. They didn't care, just sent me a few hundred bucks to help the move."

"Hmm, interesting. I'm sorry."

"Tell me about it. Doesn't matter anyways, this time I know this new move will be great. We can have unlimited sleepovers, chewie snuggles, and even little neighbor gossip sessions. Doesn't that sound like a blast?"

"You know I love me some chewie snuggles."


I fold up the box that I finished up grabbing dishes from, heading into the living room to put it by the trash pile. My eyes stop at a box on the couch, a picture frame face down in the box. Grabbing the frame I find myself looking at Tatum's school picture from last year. Grazing my finger down her face I let out a small sigh. She was one of my best friends, always there when I needed her. Placing the picture on the coffee table I step away from it, admiring her. Even though she is gone, doesn't mean she isn't a part of the family I made myself. Every day I think of her, wishing I would not let her follow me inside.

"I know it's hard," Sidney says from behind me, I didn't even hear her enter the room. "But she would be so proud of what we have done so far. We need to live life for her, not let her death be for nothing."

"I know," I sigh. "But sometimes I wish it was me, and she would be living the life that she deserves."

"(Y/n), please-"

"No Sidney, it is my fault that she died."

"It's not. It's Stu's and Billy's that she died, not yours. No normal people go through what we have, normal people don't have to be put in that situation."

"Normal people don't have to bury all their friends in one day. Tatum, Ran-"

"I know, I know. It's hard but we have to move on and live life for everyone that was hurt by those psychos. Meet new people, start new chapters in our lives, and maybe even start new hobbies. Want to learn how to bake? Well, this moment now is perfect for that. Life is so gifted and we took it for granted, but not anymore. I'm going to find you a sweet boy to take you out on cute and sophisticated dates. Or dirty dates, I don't know yet."


"What? All I am saying is that life is too short. Why wait to be killed when you can do the killings?"

"That does not sound right."

"Fine, go for it. Do those things you were so afraid to do. We earned a second chance in life, so let us take it. Skinny dipping, skydiving, breaking curfew. I don't know. But what I do know is that this new city is our fresh start, to leave behind the horrors we lived through."

"You're right."

"Always am."

I look back at the girl, my eyebrows curling in amusement as she boasted. Sidney held a cheeky grin on her, satisfied that she was able to cheer me up. Only because she knows how much I am kicking myself for what happened that night with Tatum and not getting Billy caught.

Grabbing the pillow off of the couch I chuck it in Sidneys' direction, wiping the smirk on her face. She lets out a burst of laughter as she picks the pillow off of the ground, winding herself up to chuck the pillow back. Quickly moving, I get ready for a pillow fight that I started. Laughing for the first time in a while.

Unknowingly to both of the girls, they never noticed the figure standing outside their window in the darkness of the night; watching their every move with amusement.

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