*Yard sale*

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(y/n) POV

Where is it? Im looking for this RE6 game. Ugh where is it?!

"umm excuseeeeeeeee mehhhh miss" you said then i looked at u.

"oh hey, what do u want?" i asked

"um i'm looking for a Resident evil 6 game" you said then i frown.

"sorry the last one was already sold" i said with a frown. You nodded and walked away.

"man what a bummer" you said while walking.

"miss!!" a voice yelled. You looked back to see me waving at u with a smile.

"oh hello?"

"cyber" i said with a smile.

"so cyber"

What a weird name.

"sup?" you asked.

"well there is this guy i know who sells the game that you've been looking for"

"really where?" you asked.

"since ur already here, it's just straight ahead" i said then you ran away.

"thanks!!" you shouted.

>> time skip<<

A yard sale?! Seriously?!

"umm excuse me" i said to the guy who is facing the other way.

"oh hey!!" he said with a smile.

"well do u have a resident evil 6 for sale?" you asked then he giggle.

"yea here" he gave it to u.

"for how much?" i asked.

"dont pay it cause someone already did" he said then u remembered me.

"oh cyber that brat!! Well thanks" you ran away towards to ur house.

You started ur x-box and inserted the cd. While the game is loading, you started to get sleepy.

"the hell?" then you met the darkness.
Hows the first chap? Fun i hope so

Mrs. Gamer meets RE 6 characters ( leon x reader)Where stories live. Discover now