one- liars and lovers

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Alessandra Vitale:

"I will love you until my last breath."

"As will I." The words on the paper read. Those were the final words of this book I had been reading over summer. It was pretty shit.

I hate those romance books. They are so unrealistic. It's always about this straight couple who fall in love on the second page and by the middle of the book they have a whole ass family. As I was saying, it's unrealistic.

Love in the real world is based of off when and where. You're more likely to end up with some random person you meet when your lonely and horny than the sweet lover you found at the 'wrong time'.

The whole 'right person, wrong time' thing is such a bullshit excuse for not being ready for a relationship. If it's the right person, there is no such thing as a wrong time.

To conclude my rant, I can't bring myself to like romance books no matter how much my sister recommends them.

My sister, Luisa, is a total book whore. She has one of those floor to ceiling books shelves that her dad bought for her one Christmas. My dad gave me emotional trauma ,but with a slight musical ability. So that's a win in my book.

She has been trying to get me into reading since she could talk. I liked the hunger games and stuff but I'm just not a big reader I guess. I like to hear what's going on. Hearing words flow through me like a wave of emotion, it's so beautiful. That's probably why I like music so much.

A knock on my door is heard as little footsteps sound. I watch as my sister's head pokes through my door. Her eyes light up when she sees my hand on the book.

"So...did you like it?" She questions with a sweet smile plastered across her face.

"Oh my god, it's honestly shown me a whole new world. The world of literature." I respond sarcastically as Lu's face turns red in seconds.

"Why do you have to be such a bitch all the time?" She complains. This girl is fourteen and she is acting like she is twenty five with car insurance and a fucking mortgage.

"How about I tell Mama that you just swore at me?" I threaten her, grinning at my genius.

"How about I tell her that you and Matt got high when you were meant to pick me up from summer camp?" Touché motherfucker, touché.

"You were fine anyways, it's not that deep."

"I had to get a lift from Mara Kaletski's dad and I'm pretty sure he is a registered sex offender." He does look pretty creepy. He once told me that I would be a really hot mom one day. I low-key took it as a compliment but, now looking back, it was very dodgy.

"Well, your face wasn't plastered all over the news so, I'm gonna say you're doing alright in life."

"I really hate you sometimes, you know that?" My hand flies up to my chest acting as through I was just shot.

"I really hate you all the time, you know that?" In the blink of any eye, Luisa goes from leaning on my door frame to pouncing for me like this is the fucking lion king.

"Don't do it Scar!" I shout at my wailing sister. She's very dramatic so we just ignore her most days.

"You are such a bitch!" I mean, I know but it still hurts. She's so mean to me.

"What the hell are you doing Luisa Maria!" My mother shouts from the hallway. We both scramble away from each other as her stomping ass charges for my room

The look mothers give their children when they messed up is the scariest thing ever and no one can tell me different. Pennywise? We don't know her.

"Hey mama, you look beautiful today. Is that Miss Dior I smell?" I try to deflect from the situation. No but seriously my mom's boyfriend spoils the shit out of her.

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