three- a pity party

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Alessandra Vitale:

It's a lonely Monday morning and summer is officially over. We're back now bitches.

I haven't found my friends yet but it's excepted ; they're always late. My dorm somehow feels smaller. Some of Katie's stuff is now in Reggie's dorm ,which is only down the hall. It feels empty as shit.

Mattias called me a few minutes ago saying he's practically here and I can already smell the bullshit.

He's always late. Oh, we have band rehearsal? Mattias is late. Oh, it's a birthday party for a dear friend? Mattias is late.

I'm the type of person to feel sick if I'm more than six minutes late. My mother thinks I need a therapist for it ,but I would highly disagree with my punctuality being a mental disorder.

Thank god it's a nice day out today. My dad left a while ago so I've been sat on some random bench for a good twenty minutes or so. I spend my time people watching and judging newly found romances.

There is a short red headed boy walking hand in hand with a beautiful black girl ,who must of been at least a foot taller. I ship these two strangers to the fullest extent of the law. They're soulmates and nobody can tell me different.

I'm not into basic romance shit and the whole love at first sight thing. I can't understand how you can love someone after a single glance. However, soulmates definitely exist.

Not all soulmates are romantic. I believe that Phoebe and Joey are soulmates. They aren't in love but they were meant to be together in life. Soulmates.

If I have one, they better hurry the fuck up because I look really lonely right now.

My thoughts are cut off when I see a motorcycle pull up near by. He plays obnoxious music and is wearing the douche jacket I told him not to wear.

"There's my girl." He calls as he makes his way over to my lonely, little bench.

"I thought that role was filled by Scarlet Johansen."

"Oh it is. But I have time for the both of you." I fucking love Mattias and his weird ass.

"You got taller." He really did. His arms rest on my head and it's starting to piss me off.

"And you got shorter, somehow." That's not true. I'm 5'5 but my grandma says I'll be 5'6 by the time I stop growing. She's my love.

"That's really hurtful. I'm going to cry myself to sleep and it'll be all your fault."

"So sad, so so sad. Anyways, have you heard from the guys?"

"I've spoken to Angelo and he should be here already but I have no idea where the others are."

"You think Reggie's gonna turn up with his mom?" Mattias has a thing for Reggie's mom. So do I. She is a total milf.

"God, I hope so."

Thank god the weather is decent today. It rained nearly half the summer and I wanted to die. Don't get me wrong, I love the rain. But I do need a tan every once in a while. It's basically a free antidepressant.

The outfit today isn't giving me much joy but my sister thought it'd be fitting for me to wear the same cardigan I wore on my first day. It's cute and all but it still smells like Johnny, also known as the asshole who broke my heart.

Johnny always smelt like a cheap cologne. Every make out season I needed like a twenty second break simply to gather myself. My sinuses were suffering in that situation as well as my sex life. It was shit.

I have only had like one good sexual experience and even that lasted a good couple minutes at most. He had very good hands.

"How's your sex life?" I need to know that my friend's are as hoeless as me.

"Pretty good to be honest. I got head last nigh from this new dealer." Oh so he's getting head and drugs. What a dick.

"I haven't had sex in like three weeks." I admit sullenly.

"That's not that long you horny bitch."

"I just really need something. If I don't get some kind of action within the next few days, I fear I may start to decompose."

"Wow. That was dramatic." A voice adds from behind. Baby face.

I run over to Arlo and swing my arms around his broad shoulders. He is the lankiest mother fucker I have ever met. He's like six five and has the body of Gumby. Imagine.

"So, Aj isn't getting laid. How you doing Matt?"

"Great actually, I got-" I am going to slap him in a second.

"We know what you got."

"I don't." Arlo intervenes like the little punk he is.

"Ok then Lanky Schmidt, where are your ladies at?" Mattias next to me starts stumbling over with laughter, he's one of those people who will literally run away when the joke passes. He's a runner.

"There's no need to be so mean."

"There is always a need to be mean." I should get that one tattooed. It'd be a conversational thing so I could bring up this moment again and we could all laugh.

"I can't do this shit." Mattias gets out through chuckles.

I love hearing people's laughs because they all remind me of something. Mattias' laugh reminds me of ginger people and that rabbit from Bambi. Don't ask me why. On the other hand, my sister's laugh brings up the image of a man in a dark alley. She is one of those laughers.

"Oh, look there's Reggie and Katie." Alro announces probably glad now that the attention is not on him. I'm going to bring this up later though.

"What's up fuckers." Reggie shouts from across the path. His arm is swung around Katie as they walk like a cute married couple. They're so cute it makes me want to die and I'm not even kidding.

"Hi Kaggie." I'm sorry what. Mattias, no.

"What the fuck Matt."

"It's your couple name, Kaggie. You know it's Katie and-" He tries to go on before I hit him in the throat. It had to be done buttercup.

"There's my girl." Katie says before pulling me into a gentle hug. She is such a fucking good hugger.

We spend the next hour just talking before Angelo comes over. The chat turns to our next show at some bar. We had to lie and say we were like twenty-something to do the show ,but it's totally worth it. The money's good.

"So, what are we doing tonight?" Angelo says out of the blue.

"Getting ready for tomorrow, duh." Arlo chimes in like a mom on a mission. He is so determined to get good grades and I can't keep up with it. Who gives a rat's ass.

"Georgie Hamil is having a party at her place tonight. We should go." Katie mentions. I've got a few classes with Georgie and she is like Amy Whinehouse reincarnated. If I had a dick, I'd be hard in every songwriting class.

"We should totally go." Mattias says enthusiastically, this man loves a good college party. Don't we all. The bad decisions and the shitty drinks. What could be better.

"I don't know. Classes start tomorrow and-" Arlo brings up, trying ever since hard to deflect the idea.

"Well, my first class starts at eleven and I know yours doesn't start til one. It's going to be fine." Reggie reassures. Thank god I don't have classes til midday tomorrow.

"I'll go under one condition."

"Fire away sweetheart."

"We all have to do something we don't want to, not just me." What does this little bastard have in mind? It's weird as shit in there so I don't know if I want to know.

"What did you have in mind?" Angelo asks hesitantly.

"Mattias can't go home with anyone, Alessandra can't drink, Angelo can't be the designated driver again and Reggie can't just make-out with Katie the entire time." This is going to be the worst party ever.

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