four- a red dress

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Alessandra Vitale:

I will always love getting ready to go out. Something about the lead up to such a fun night is so exciting.

Katie lent me this gorgeous red dress that I have been begging her to let me wear for weeks. Can I breathe? No. This may have been a fumble but those words will never leave my mouth.

I can't drink.

The last time I went to a party completely sober was my mother's divorce party. It sucked ass but, my aunt brought jelly donuts. What an icon.

"Oh don't you look gorgeous." Katie compliments as she walks into the bathroom to meet me.

"You know me, I'm basically a Hadid now."

"I'm loving this for you," she says while grabbing a bronzer to touch up, "you look so alive."

"As opposed to what."

"I don't know. You just wear black a lot and I think colour is good for you." So I look dead to her. Fan-fucking-tastic.

It doesn't take much longer for the boys to arrive. While the rest of them pregame, I remain in the bathroom smoking the last of my cigarette.

Sitting on the edge of the windowsill, I just watch as students hustle back into dorms, linking arms with new friends. There is always the odd couple that make me feel all cozy.

I love to people watch. It's so satisfying to just watch the world go back for everyone else whilst you can simply be. Good shit.

"Aj, you ready to go?" Mattias beckons from the other side of the door.

"Yep, I'll be one second." I respond as a pink lipgloss is tucked away into my bra. It's the best bag ever.

The drive there was fucking hilarious. Reggie is the worst driver I have ever had the displeasure of being in a car with. Im honestly scared for my life every time I step into that truck.

Angelo spent the entire journey berating each turn and shouting at every traffic light. It was enough to make me stumble out of the car at one point.

As we pull up to the party, I begin to settle down and suddenly I feel calm. I don't know why I feel so calm in these situations. There is something about dancing around to classics with drunk college girls that makes you feel a type of way.

"Oh my god, hi guys," I hear a girl's voice call out, "I'm so glad you could make it. Come in, come in."

Georgie's house is fucking huge. Her parents must be loaded to afford this shit. I just know that they will know something went down and she'll be in deep shit, but it's better her than me.

"It's Alessandra, right?" The pretty girl questions sweetly.

"Uh- yeah. Hi I'm Alessandra, but Aj's fine too."

"I knew I recognised you. We have a few classes together." Did she only just realise this?

The conversation slowly died after an exchange of compliments and instagrams. I can guarantee I never speak to that girl again after tonight.

More and more people flood in through the doors carrying bottles of god knows what. This is so draining just sitting here with a fucking juice carton.

I want nothing more than to get drunk, forget about my problems and dance with a stranger.

"Hey, are you okay?" Katie shouts over the blasting music.

"I'm good. Just bored I guess."

"Listen honey, just because you don't have a few shots down you it doesn't mean that you can't have a good time." Oh.

"I don't care if I have to force you to but, you are going to go on that dance floor and you're going to have fun." She's right. I'm going to have some fun. Sober, sober fun.

After the last sip of my juice, I am on the dance floor with my hand in Katie's. I feel her hands graze over my hips as we move to the beat of the drums.

I turn to catch the eyes of a stranger on the couch. He has a familiar face with such gorgeous eyes. Not my usual type but- oh shit. With that I rush over to Arlo to grab his attention.

"You're not going to believe who's here, at this party, right now."

"Who? Do we know them?" Arlo lives for these games.

"Owen Macdonald." I had the hugest crush on him in fifth grade. He had these curly locks that reminded me of pubes a little bit ,but he was cool and totally my type at the time.

"Shut the fuck up. Where is he at?"

"Don't make it obvious ,but he is on the couch next to the book case." I say to Arlo as he whips his fat fucking head around to stare at Owen.

"I said don't make it obvious dickwad. He totally saw you do that."

"I don't think I'm looking at him." Bless Arlo and his little dodgy eyes. He has glasses and has had them since he was nine yet he flat out refuses to wear them. He can see shit.

"I don't know why I talk to you sometimes." I scoff before walking off into the kitchen to grab a new juice.

I scavenge through all the leftover takeouts and random potatoes in the fridge before I grab what I want. Who knew rich people were so into meal prep?

"You need a hand there sugar." I hear a voice ask from nearby. Owen.

"Oh my god. I knew it was you." I mutter under my breath before pulling him into a hug which is quickly reciprocated.

"You look absolutely beautiful." Owen compliments as he scans my body.

"Oh stop it. Do it again." We both start laughing in the middle of the kitchen as we both struggle to stand up.

"I'm sorry, you just have a funny laugh." It's like a strangled unicorn.

"Is it bad?" He asks with a hint of concern in his voice.

"No, not at all. I think it's sweet."

"Well, don't I feel honored to hear those words leave your mouth."

"Oh, do you?"

"Yeah, can I um- can I tell you something?" Owen asks cautiously.

"Of course, fire away mister." I answer as I perch upon the kitchen island.

"I kind of had a crush on you when we were in school." Excuse me.

"I'm sorry, could you repeat that?" I don't think I heard him correctly. Those words couldn't have left the mouth of Owen Macdonald.

"I had this huge crush on you throughout school ,but I was way to nervous to say anything to you. So I never told you until now, I guess."

"You're fucking kidding. Why wouldn't you just tell me?" I don't bite.

"You were scary back in elementary school. I was scared you'd throw.  sand in my eye or something."

"I would never throw sand in your eyes."

"Do you swear?"

"Solemnly." That was all it took for  Owen to go completely red in the face.

"Someone's blushing." I tease as he turns his face away bashfully.

"You are so mean to me."

"Oh, but you love it."

Owen's face turns back up and only then do I realise how close we are. I feel his breath on my lips as he moves in between my legs.

"You have beautiful eyes."

"Thanks, you have-"

"How about we cut the crap and just get out of here?" Owen interrupts.

This party wasn't so bad after all.

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