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Have you ever been so nervous for something that you don't even want to get out of bed? Hi, my name is Y/N and I just finished medical school. Later today I will find out if I get my white coat or if i have to repeat another year of hell in medical school.

It is around 11:00 AM when I have awoken from my sleep, so I have around 4 Hours until the ceremony. I drag myself out of my bed and over to my laptop and check some emails. Boring, right? Yeah that was until I saw an email from my professor.

Dear Y/N,
Just a heads up, the ceremony will be moved up 2 Hours as my wife and I have a date. (A/N: BRO IDK WHAT TO PUT THIS WAS THE FIRST THING THAT CAME TO MY MIND) I still expect you to be there!
               - Professor Glob (A/N: again This is the first name I came up with)

Oh. My. Gosh. So it was originally supposed to be at 3 pm but now it's at 1pm? Dude, my apartment is 30 minutes away. And I  don't have a ride yet. So I decide to call Alyssa, my life saver. If it were not for them, I would have quit med school.

"Hey! did you see the ceremony got moved up to 1pm?" I said. I tried to sound awake but Alyssa clearly noticed I was lying.
"Y/N did you just wake up?" Alyssa asked.
"Answer my question first then I will answer yours." I said to Alyssa.
"Yeah I saw it. I'll be there at 12:15 to give you a ride. I know that's why you called. Now answer my question." Alyssa responded
"I woke up at 11. I'll be ready at 12:10 for you to pick me up. Thanks! Bye Alyssa!"

Before they could respond, I hung up to start getting ready. I took a quick shower then changed into a nice outfit and threw on some eyeliner and lip gloss. I was to lazy to put anything else on. By the time I finished getting ready, it was time for me to head out to meet Alyssa.

———Time Skip ———
After the Ceremony, they gave us a letter. This letter contained one of two things.
1. We passed med school and we would go to our professor's office to receive our white coats.
2. Get told we suck and have to do another year of hell.

"I'm scared. What if I have to re do this?" I said.
"Y/N. Stop. Call Sapnap right now before you get all anxious on me. Today is going to be good. I believe it." Alyssa responded. With those words of advice, I called Sapnap.

Hello! This is crazy that I'm actually writing a fanfic. I just want to say I have no idea how med school actually works so I made it up. Hopefully there will be at least one chapter everyday, possibly more. Anyways, Eat food. Drink water. and keep reading my book.
Word Count: 509

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