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By Saturday, we're all bored of the grounding. I admit that I shouldn't have fought but I was so bitter at dad that I wasn't talking to him and now my other half was angry at me. That's when I heard someone knock on our door.

"I'm going to Dylan's party. Who's with me?" Sarah asks. Even though I don't want to go, I agree anyway so that I can for once have a little bit of trouble in my blood.

We sneak out, carrying ten presents to give to Dylan each walking in a perfectly straight line. Once we get there, Tina looks annoyed when she sees us but doesn't say anything.

"Thanks for inviting us," I tell her.

I walk to the back yard heading over to Dylan where I tell him happy birthday.

"Wanna play with that football I got you?" Jake asked.

"Well.....I have to talk to my family. My dad would possibly agree but my mom would say that it's a dangerous sport no boy my age should be playing."

"Sounds like a yes to me," Jake shrugs as he taps Mike. "Go get it."

I head over to the drink table pouring myself a glass of lemonade but I drop it when I see that a snake had gotten loose and the majority of the people at the party went running home.

Oh no.......

Mike accidentally let out Mark's gift.

Just then, we see dad with the football players running around trying to grab us.

"Daphne Baker! I thought you knew better than this!"

"It's not my fault I wanted to experience having fun," I yell.

"We'll talk about this when we get home! Just grab your siblings and let's go!"

I sigh running to go grab Mike who was playing Football.

"Hey! What was that for?!"

But dad answers it for him.

"Sarah Baker! Off now!" I hear him yell.

"I'm not listening to you," she said covering her ears.

"Don't make me come up there young lady!" he shouts.

I take Mike next to Dylan still holding him.

Dad ends up jumping up and grabbing her but she jumps away.

The bounce house inflates and dad goes flying dad landing on Dylan, and eventually me.

I sit on a hospital bed being rolled into an exam room, Tina shouting at dad.

"Your kids are never playing with my son again!" she yells racing toward Dylan.

"This was the best party ever coach," Dylan says weakly.

I'm rolled into one exam room dad being stopped by his phone.

"Listen Shake. I don't have---" I don't listen to the rest of the conversation.

I won't be surprised if he gets fired........


Once I reach home, I rest my leg on a pillow while everyone fights over the phone.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Don't go near Daphne!" Lorraine yells.

"Why do you always have to ruin everything?!" Sarah yells at what I suppose is Mark.

I give Mark a marker and allow him to draw on my cast.


A few days later, I'm surprised to see Nora.

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