Chapter One: A Crappy Christmas

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Glen's POV:

24/12/1999 11:40 pm

"You don't even have enough money to support Luke and I!" Vanessa let's out a frustrated sigh, with fists clenched on either side of her.
"Like I said, many times, I'm still looking for a job! It's not easy" I quietly mumble feeling guilty and ashamed, but it is true. Finding a job is difficult, no matter how many times I manage to land a job I get sacked. I have no passion for working an office job, I know it's a little selfish, but why would I want to keep working a dead-end job if it's truely not what I want?

"Not easy? You seem to have all the time in the world to play the drums at pubs, yet you can't find a job!?" She yells, looking stressed and frustrated. The nerve on her temple throbbed threateningly, her teeth biting her lip, fighting back her anger as her eyes looked into mine, looking glassy.
"I can't just quit! That's my life!" I say back in protest.
"Luke and I are your life, we should be the number one priority! Not some, crappy drum set!" She bellows, folding her arms angrily.
"You both are my number one priority! It's just I want to explore the music world more! I've always wanted this you knew that!"
"Mummy? Daddy?"
We both turn to see Luke standing in the doorway with tears rolling down his cheeks. I felt a large pang in my heart, I stared down at my feet putting a hand through my hair.
"Oh Luke, I'm sorry did we wake you?" Vanessa coos picking him up, and embracing him in a warm hug.
"Why are you always fighting?" He hiccoughs, "is it my fault?"
"Oh, sweetheart," She says looking guiltily at me.
"Of course, it isn't your fault! It's just mummy and I are having some troubles but that's nothing to worry about, okay?" I say smiling weakly at him, "I'll read you a bedtime story or Santa won't come tonight...."
He nods, Vanessa, giving him to me as he snuggles into my chest.


"The end."
I say quietly, giving him a kiss on the forehead.
"Goodnight Luke," I whisper closing the door behind me. I walk into the lounge room, Vanessa dead asleep on the couch one arm swinging off. I can see a vodka bottle beside her, that stuff has always knocked her out cold.
I grab my drumsticks and keys and head out the door, snow falling gracefully down to the floor. I wrap my arms across my chest, it's bloody freezing.
I walk into a small pub, and a strong smell of booze-filled my nostrils as I walked in.
"One Guinness please," I say handing the bartender money.

"What are you doing by yourself on Christmas Eve?" Asks a person beside me, he had hazel eyes with dark chocolate brown hair that was sitting up perfectly in one position. Too much gel maybe? He was scrawnier than me and much taller...but then again pretty much everyone is.
"Could ask the same for you," I say looking down at my drink, and rubbing the rim of the glass.
"Well my best friend, over there," he says pointing to another man. I've never seen ginger before," he brings me here almost every day."
He says with a huge smile, he had a nice warm smile and he looked so happy, something I wished I had these days.
"So why all alone?" He asks again giving the bartender money.
"Um....issues really..." I mumble drinking up, he didn't ask any further questions which I was grateful for. The bartender gives him two shots.
"Cheers! Anyway, what's your name?" He asks, gulping both shots incredibly swiftly.
"Uh. Luke? My name is Luke." Great Glen, was it that embarrassing to say your own name?
"What's yours?" I ask quickly
"Daniel, but I prefer Danny"
"Well Danny it's a pleasure to be aquatinted," I say holding a hand, he takes it and we firmly shake hands. I felt a little tingle in my stomach..meh must be the beer kicking in. 
"You play drums?" He asks me curiously one head to the side.
" do you know?" I said with a raised eyebrow.
"Well for one its kind of obvious since it's sticking out of your pockets," he said with a laugh.
" you play any instruments?" I ask him awkwardly.
"Yeah, I play guitar and piano. It's my life, ya know? It's hard to explain but it just feels-"
"-So right?" I finish feeling for the first time today like someone understands, "yeah I know that feeling."
"Hey, Dan who's a y-hic-your new friend?" Says the man Dan pointed at before, he smelt horrific.
"This is Luke, Mark gets off...." Says Danny rolling his eyes, clutching his friend.
"I just-hic- want a hug....." The guy called Mark collapses to the floor, dragging down all the cups with him as his snores fill the pub.
"Don't worry I'll pick it up.." Say Danny paying the frustrated bartender fifty dollars.


"Well, it was nice meeting you, Luke." Danny pants carrying Mark, who kept mumbling random things.
"Yeah it was nice meeting you too, it felt good," I said with a smile, I wave my goodbye before turning to go back home.
"Wait, Luke!" Danny shouts at me, I turn around. Did I forget something? I swore I didn't forget anything.
"Merry Christmas..." He says smiling cheerfully, Mark flips the bird and then goes off back to sleep.
"Merry Christmas Danny." I smile back at him, damn that smile is contagious.
"Hey! Hope I'll see you again sometime!" He screams from behind me.

And for some reason, I do too.

This is my first shot at Glanny whoop whoop! So I do hope you enjoy this new and improved version, for some people it's pretty much the same but some of the spelling errors and grammar changed (hopefully 😉) also the chapters will have dates and the time so you don't get too confused when the story changes years and obviously these aren't based on true events...anywho
So please vote and comment! The more comments the merrier!

The Colours Will Change (Glanny Fanfic) [Rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now