Chapter Four: When I don't think

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Glen's POV

Rina has been cheerful a lot lately, I mean she's always been such a cheerful woman but for some reason she doesn't stop smiling and I can't really put my finger on it. She's being doing things she'd normally never do, something is defiantly up and I decided I'm going to figure it out. I took her to the mall so that we could just have some time away from Danny and Mark. Although I'm realtively close to them I still feel akward at times, they've known eachother since childhood so for me its slightly...well excluding.

"Come on Glen!" Rina sings happily, snapping me out of my trance, "you're so slow!"
She's dancing around and skipping, almost knocking an old lady over. I quickly apologise to the old lady and take Rina to a less crowded area.  I grab her by the shoulders to make her face me, she smiles brightly up at me.
"Why are you so cheerful lately?" I ask her trying to look stern, she just giggles and pushes my arms away.
"Oh I don't know!"she exclaims, "I guess I've found someone special!"
Then all of a sudden it clicked! God I'm so stupid! It has been in front of me this whole time!
"Special?" I ask, looking lazily towards her. She frowns slightly, using her hands to make me smile. It all makes sense now! I'll give you a Thats right ladies and gentleman...Mark Sheehan. That ginger werido is Rina's special guy! I mean I hold nothing against him at all but I'm just curious how it even accident that bloomed into love?

"Yes! Someone special! He's very kind and sweet and caring, and ginger! Can you guess who it is?"
Well now that's definitely Mark, who else is a ginger? I mean Rina if you were trying to make me guess you kind of failed on the first step. I mean unless your dating Ed Sheeran but still, you failed.

"Mark Sheehan." I say in a bored tone, watching her reaction. Her cheeks turn crimson red, she puts her head down to hide it. Seriously? Just mentioning his name gets her like this?
"Oh but I wanted you to keep guessing!" She pouted, I pat her head smiling at her.
"I'm happy for you, really. But if he hurts you, he's dealing with me got it?" I say sternly, Rina is like a younger sister, so mess with Rina and you'll deal with me.
"Anyway how long have you two being dating?" I ask casually, as we walk down the stairs to a nearby bookstore.
"Well we've been interested in each other for a year but we've only started dating four months ago-"
"-four months? And you didn't tell me?" I exclaim, she only smiles in response.
"Sorry Glen, we wanted to keep it a secret" she says, holding a book and reading the blurb.
"Anyway I think someone as taken a liking to you~" she sings happily.
"Who?" I ask feeling slightly uneasy.
"Danny..." She looks up at me, we stay silent for awhile.
"D-Danny? Is this a lame joke?" I ask her, I felt my face heat up slightly. Of course I had very minor feelings for him, but it could just be a man crush..right? I mean who wouldn't man crush on Danny?

It isn't possible for me to have emotional feelings towards him, I mean I was married and I have a son! But even if I try to shut the feelings out I can't stop letting my mind wonder. But I know I can't tell him my feelings, for one it'd make him resent me and it would split up the band and this is one of the best things ever to happen to me.
"No I'm not, haven't you noticed the way he acts around you? He is a total gentleman towards you, he even opens doors for you!" Rina states lamely.
"So that means your in love if you open a door for someone?" I question raising an eyebrow, "let's just drop this okay?"
"Okay Powers!"

Danny's POV

Mark was different lately, he stopped drinking...heavily. I also noticed Rina acting kind of strange as well, Mark asked if we could go to the nearby mall. Since we've been stuck in the studio majority of the time I decided we might as well get some fresh air. However Glen never replied to our texts so he didn't end up coming with us. Mark stopped off near a flower shop, what the hell is he even doing?

"Why are you so...different?" I ask him suddenly, I await the answer but I deep down I already know.
"Oh nothing." He says smiling dragging me to a nearby book store. Now I know this isn't normal, since when did a Sheehan pick up a book? Normally I would ask him to go with me to look at books and he'd flat out say no!
"You got Rina didn't ya?" I bluntly ask him.
"Yep." He says cheerfully.
"How long?" I ask cheekily, it can't be for that long...
"Well we've had feelings for each other a year but we've been dating for four months"
"Four months!? And you didn't say anything? Does Glen know!?" I say outraged.
"No I don't think Glen knows, besides Danny we wanted to keep a secret"
"But I'm your best mate! And I told you my biggest secret-"
"-hey Powers!?" Mark calls out, I spin around instantly and see Glen with Rina. Glen looks up and sees us and smiles slightly, Rina wearing a massive smile waving at the two of us. She drags Glen by the arm and runs towards us.
"Hello!" She says cheerfully.

"What are you doing here beautiful?" Mark asks sweetly to Rina, she blushes slightly.
"Telling this idiot about us" she smiled, now what comes next it so gross.

He kisses her...poor in peace...

I look at Glen as we both stand awkwardly behind them, he gives me a small smile and I return the favour. Butterflies soaring in my stomach, that's just the kind of effect Glen has over me. Rina and Mark continue talking to one another, having already linked arms and acting all lovey-dovey.
The two begin to walk away, completely forgetting about me and Glen all together.
"Um...guys?" I call out, but they continue to just walk away.
"Rina? Mark? Hey! I thought we were hanging out today!" Glen says, but Mark just waves at us and continues walking away.

"Wow...what a jerk" I mumble under my breath.
"Well since they ditched us, we might as well get a drink or something" Glen suggests, I nod eagerly. This can be my chance to get closer to him!


Sorry it's crap...

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