Chapter 1

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New city, new me. Isn't that what they say?

I grew up in London, but I had to move to Los Angeles recently because of my parents. I had to leave everything, my friends, my boyfriend and my school.

I woke up because of my mom, yelling my name from downstairs. It's the first day of school and I'm probably going to be late, great! I got up and ran to the bathroom to do my makeup and get dressed. I put on a pair of jeans and a black shirt. I ran downstairs with my backpack and got into the car.

The first class of the year was biology. The principle Mrs. Coleman showed me the way to the classroom and presented me to the rest of my colleagues.

"Good morning class! This is your new colleague! Her name is Maya, please be kind to her! You can sit next to Ana in the last row." The girl raised her hand and I sat next to her. I expected her to present herself or stuff like that but she was silent so I decided to say something.

"Hi, I'm Maya. I suppose you are Ana right?"

"Oh, yeah. Nice to meet you!" I just smiled and she turned to the girl next to her. Ok that was a bit rude.

A few moments later a girl turns to me and starts talking.

"Hi, I'm Maria, Ana's friend. It's nice to meet you!"she said smiling

"We can show you around the school if you want to?"asked Ana

"I would love to, thank you!" I answered and the teacher started the lesson, I think her name was Mrs. Smith or something like that. The class ended and I followed the girls around the school.

"This is the place where we sneak out and smoke. And that was the tour, hope you liked it!"said Maria while we got back inside the school.

"What is your next period?" asked Ana while looking for something in her locker

"I think maths."

"Good luck with that, the teacher is a pain in the ass! If you want to you can seat with us at lunch, we can meet outside the cafeteria."sugested Maria

"I would love to! Thanks guys, I'll see you later!" they waved at me while walking to their next class.

They weren't wrong, the teacher really was a pain in the ass, at least he didn't ask me anything. The class ended and I saw Ana at the doorway waving at me. I walked with her to the cafeteria and got to know her a bit better. I learned that Maria was her best friend, her dad is an image director, pretty cool not gonna lie, and her mum is a designer for some celebrities. She told me stuff about Maria too, her mum is the principal and her dad owns a company.

We entered the cafeteria and made our way to a table close to the windows. At the table was sat Maria with 3 boys. Maria smiled at me and I sat next to her while Ana sat in front of me. Maria started to present the boys and pointing at them. Edy was the blonde guy with dark eyes and glasses, George was the brunette with dar eyes and Ovidiu or Ovi how they call him was the dirty blonde one with lighter eyes then the other two. They were all in the same year with and we shared some clases. They all were really welcoming and I'm glad I ended up in this group.

"Where's Clau?"asked Ana looking around

"I don't know, haven't heard or seen him today."answered George sipping at his orange juice.

"Fuck..."said Maria looking behind me

"Fuck do you want Michael?" Spat Ana at a guy with rather long hair and green eyes.

"What's your problem, huh? I just wanted to meet our new colleague. What's you name love?" He was british and his accent was strong, I hate it. He looked like an asshole.

"Maya, now can I have my lunch in silence, thank you!" I don't know where that came from but I'm proud of it. At this point half of the cafeteria was staring at our table.

"Playing hard to get, huh? You will regret it later princess." What was this guys problem honestly, he was getting on my nerves.

"And what makes you think that I'm interested in you?" I said crossing my arms

"Leave it Maya, he isn't worth your attention."said Edy putting his hand slowly on my shoulder

"I guess I'll see you around Maya." And he left thank god.

"Who the fuck does he think he is?" I asked annoyed

"He thinks he's cool cus he's related to the president, but he's not." Said Ana rolling her eyes.

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