Chapter 16

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I enter the hotel room and instantly collapse on the bed. I think I fell asleep because I wake up from a phone call. I pick my phone up from the sheets and place it at my ear.

"Hello?" I say to whoever was at the other end of the line.
"Did I wake you up?" Said Ana.
"No, actually yes but I had to wake up anyway." I said and she sighed relieved.
"We are going out to dinner, fancy coming with us?" She said and I look at the clock. 5:58pm.
"Yeah sure. Send me the address and I'll see you there. Bye." I hang up.

I get out of the comfort of the bed and make my way to the ensuite of the room. I let the warm water drip down my body while a shampoo my hair. I get out, dry myself and go to the suitcase and puck up a pair of brown suit pants with a black top since I don't know where we are going. I did my makeup as usual and put a pair of black converse on and wait for Ana to send me the address. After that I call a cab and get to the location. I enter the restaurant and immediately spot the others.

We enter the restaurant holding hands and spot our friends waving at us. We sit down and Claudiu puts his hand on my  thigh and rubs his thumb in circles.

"What do you want to eat?" He asked me.
"You, but it's not on the menu so pasta can do." I shrug and he laughs softly. He puts his hand on my cheek and kisses my lips for a few seconds.


I slowly make my way up to their table and give each of them a hug. I look around for Claudiu but he's not here, thank god. I sit down between Maria and Edy.

"And how have you been these years?" I ask the group.
"Well we've been most of the time traveling, but after France we are gonna settle down and start working on a new album." Ana explains.
"You still live in LA?" Asked Edy.
"Yeah, but I moved to West LA." I responded.
"You finally decided to show up? I thought you got lost." Said Ana looking behind me. I turn around and meet his eyes. He looks weird with red and puffy eyes like he cried. He looked me deep in the eyes and then looked back at Ana.

"Sorry, traffic." Was the only thing he said before he sat down at the other of the table next to Ovidiu.

Claudiu's POV

When I saw her my whole world collapsed. My heart skipped a beat and when our eyes met i felt a lump forming in my throat that I just swallowed.

"Sorry, traffic." I responded to whatever Ana asked and sat down besides Ovidiu as far as possible from her. I burry my face into the menu and try my best not to cry.

After we ordered my phone buzzed and when I check it I see a message from Ana.

Ana💅🏼 7:28pm:
"You outside now!"

I sigh and get up from the table. I leave the restaurant and light myself a cigarette. I hear the door opening and closing.

"Pass me one." Said Ana. I give her the pack and the lighter.
"You wanted to tell me something?" I ask her looking at the road in front of us avoiding her gaze.
"What's up with you? You look like a car drove over you."
"Thanks." I say sarcastically. I can basically see her rolling her eyes even though I'm not looking at her.
"I'm serious. Is it because of her?" She asks and I nod. "I thought you got over already. It's been 5 years grow up." She said and passed me back the pack and lighter. I take a long drag of the cigarette and exhale it slowly.
"I thought so too." I simply said. She patted my shoulder and I finally looked at her. She gave me a smile.

"Do you need a hug?" She asked. I nodded and crushed the cigarette on the pavement. She hugged me by the shoulders even though I was way taller than her. I started sobbing and she rubbed her hand up and down my back. I don't know why but I felt so small.

Maya's POV

Our food came and Ana with Claudiu are still outside so we wait for them until we start eating. 10 minutes past and they return to the table and we all start eating. We are talking about anything that comes to our minds and Claudiu just sits there, day dreaming and just nods from time to time. He acts weird, I wonder what happened to him but I can't just ask him. I wish we could just be friends but I don't think that it would be possible.

After we eat and order another round of drinks I excuse myself from the table and quickly go to the bathroom. I check my makeup and reapply my lipstick and then my phone starts ringing. I take it out of my pocket and see that Matt is calling.

"Where are you and who are you with?"
"Well hello to you too, I'm doing fine, and you?"
"Stop with the sarcasm I asked you something!" He exclaims.
"I'm having dinner with some friends."
"What friends? I saw you with a guy outside smoking."
"Some old friends, you know the band guys. And what guy?" I ask confused.
"A blonde, taller then you. Who's that?"
"I can't fucking believe you, that's Edy, we are just friends." I say rolling my eyes even though he can't see me.
"And why should I believe you?"
"You're joking right? And where did you even see that photo?"
"It doesn't matter! Answer me!"
"Jeez, we are friends from high school! I won't cheat on you for fuck sake! Now if you excuse me I have to pee." I say and hang up.

I exhale sharply and leave the bathroom and bump into Ana.
"Oh, are you ok?" She asked.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I?"
"You stayed in the bathroom for a while and I thought something happened." She said worried.
"No no, I'm fine. Matt called me, you know."
"And you fought?" She raised one eyebrow.
"How do you know?"
"I can see it on your face, and I heard you yelling. Is something serious?"
"Nah, I think he saw a paparazzi photo of me and Edy outside and he got jealous. He's just dramatic."
"I don't know but I don't like that guy." She says disgusted and I start giggling.
"Let's just go, the others are probably looking for us."

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