#33 [ONE-SHOT] - Hero.

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[Maybe it's just me but it's not too common for Roman to be the hero for real, instead he is the one being saved nowadays, but I said: Okay, imma do the counter-revolution. Tried too much to portray their relationship as platonic as possible to not alienate anyone but I think I failed. Oh, the struggle. Enjoy!]
Word count: 5817
After the events of the wedding of Mary Lee and Lee, everything is falling apart due to one missing link. Virgil makes sure to awaken the hero within Roman even with the cost of their lives. 
Warning: Detailed depictions of suffering, torture, injuries, violence

To say that Thomas has been struggling lately, would be the understatement of the decade, or dare I say the century. It didn't matter how efficiently he tried to coexist with the suggestive messaging he saw in everything around him: the handrail of the staircase became a guillotine, the sudden curiosity about what it would be like to stick the fork into the toaster, and the lamp turned to be fitting to- and overheated lasagna didn't seem so appetizing anymore.

Which is why the potential perpetrator being nowhere to be seen was more frightening.

Then Logan would chime in, from reading his book about organic chemistry, and try to rationalize the inconveniences. Meanwhile, Janus would jump in and already start his lecture on the importance of a simple walk in the park, and already prepare his host's hiking boots, successfully distracting the attention from an unbelievably distressed Virgil about to be devoured by shadows that had been conquering his already dark room for a long time now. No amount of Patton's never-ending compassion nor his supportive paternal tone nor his special cocoa could lessen the tension that moved and settled in so insidiously.

Even when Thomas arrived home from his walk after more hours than he had intended, all he had the energy to do was to hit the hay and cancel every plan he had already planned for the following day.

Who would've thought that one missing link in the chain could bring demise upon everyone's heads...

It's been going on the same way for almost two weeks now and Virgil was getting tired of handling those ever-growing ghoul-like shadows. He was sick of the lack of motivation, the absent flow of creativity, and the noise that wasn't... melodious anymore, yet all the more obnoxious, and not in an endearing way that Virgil has gotten used to throughout the years.

But the Prince was firm as a rock. No earthly force could convince him to come down off his throne on the top of Mount Degenerate, that was the mess in his room. Even the concern of the rest took the forms of slithering monstrous and pretentious serpents who eagerly wrapped around him without missing out every single hour, minute, and it was only up to the enthusiasm of these shadows to easily turn it into seconds.


If the embodiment of anxiety let so.

What did he say again two weeks ago...?

"Bullshit. I'm coming in!"

"You won't!"

"Oh? Or else Dolt Hero-te comes and saves the door?"

"There's no He-Ro anymore."

The immediacy of the answer caused Virgil's anxiety to act up "N... No, my ass! Cut the...! [...] Just... Come on out, Princey."

And the door was no more, leaving sparkles behind.

I was way too generous not to kick down the door firsthand. Shitty decision.


For him, the squeak of the door seemed to take forever to end.

"Hey-loo, emo."

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