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"How come the other inmates has tv on their cell?" Kayle complained as he ate his food. Lenox rolled his eyes as he also took a bite of his food. "It's because they can pay for it."

"Pay? I could also pay for it." Kayle said confused. "Who are you trying to decieve you probably don't even have a cent with you." Lenox said.

"Oh right, i forgot i am a prisoner now.."

"Is that a bad thing? Christian asked.

"Nope. It just means i don't have to worry about bills and taxes. They also have free foods." Kayle happily said which made lenox also agree.

"But if you wanna have tv in your cell, you can work here in prison. " Lenox said. "What kind of work?" Kayle asked as he finished his food and drunk water.

"They offer a cleaner work. I will avoid it though, they wake up the cleaners in 4 am and make them clean the dining room before breakfast. They also clean the bathrooms." Lenox grumbled.

"Are you a cleaner? Why do you act like one." Kayle asked which made lenox earn an irk mark. "Is there other works? I also don't wanna wake up early."

"Are you interested in being a librarian?" Someone asked from behind. Kayle looked and saw raymond with his kid.

"Who the fuck are these guys?" Lenox raised a brow as they sat on their table.

"Hello, I am Raymond and this is my son Laurence." Raymond introduced with a smile.

"I'm christian."

"You already know me."

"Why should i tell you guys my name."

"It doesn't matter, it's on your name tag."

Lenox gritted his teeth as he restrained himself from punching kayle. "I'm not interested in books though, if it's all porno comics then i might reconsider." Kayle said bluntly. "Is there another works?"

"Well, the food server for inmates that are in lockdown and Painter of walls." Christan said.

"Does any of you have works?" Kayle asked.

"Me and Laurence work as a librarian." Raymond said.

"I paint walls." Christian said.

"I also paint walls." Lenox finished his meal.

"Hmm.. i don't wanna work. But i guess I'll take the food server." Kayle said.

"You sure? The inmates in lockdown are dangerous." Christian said worriedly. Kayle smirked at how open christian is.

"We only met and you're worried for me already." Kayle flirted which caused the other male to be embarrassed.

"This bastard is also dangerous, no need to worry about him." Lenox said while pointing kayle.

"But Ralph and Elijah are in lockdown right?" Laurence spoke.

"Oh right, the kings are in lockdown for 1 week for killing an inmate. " Lenox said.

"What's with the cringe title?" Kayle said.

"Well, they basically rule this prison, even higher ups are afraid of them." Christian said.

"Why two? Never heard of two kings ruling one ground." Kayle said.

"It's because one is official and unoffical." Laurence said.

"What do you mean by that?" Kayle asked confused.

"Ralph and Elijah are both strong, they already fought but none wins. It's always a tie so they are considered in both level. But Elijah refused to be a king but people still considered him one which made it unoffical." Raymond explained.

Kayle nodded and stood up. "I wonder if i could take them both at the same time."

"Are you crazy?" Lenox gave kayle a funny look. "You'll die for sure. Those two doesn't care about the consequences. If they want they will kill you for sure."

"Ugh~ it doesn't matter i wanna work now." Kayle stretched and made sounds of satisfaction.


"The paycheck will be this week. You will be given 3 dollars for an hour of work."

Kayle nodded as he started working and headed towards his first destination.

After a couple of hours, kayle was able to finish his job and sat on the hallways of the prisoners in lockdown. "Can you really kill here and only spend 1week in isolated room?" Kayle muttered as possible outcomes came flashing on his head.

" being alone in a small room with only bed. Won't they become depressed and lonely? It could lead to major mental issues and trauma. Guess the higher ups will need to provide money for free theraphy." Kayle laughed to himself. "Ugh.. I'm so tired."

"If i were to be confine in such long period, i would became insane immediately. I couldn't even sleep without hugging something. " kayle muttered while slowly drowsing into sleep.

"Oi! What are you doing sleeping here?!"

Kayle woke up witb someone kicking his legs. He groaned and immediately took that leg and slammed him on the ground.

"That's what you get for waking me up." Kayle mumbled and got back to sleeping again.

"You! Didn't you see the one you knocked?! It's one of the higher officials of prison officers!!" Someone shouted and kayle's eyes opened.

"Oh shit, I'm screwed."

He looked around and saw them scorting someone tall and intimidating. He has a black hair and rare purple eyes that's currently watching him. The man has a large scar on his left cheek and have a dark brown complexion of skin he is also wearing a gold necklace.

"Fuck." Kayle cursed as one of the guards picked him up and smacked his head.

"Was that supposed to hurt?" Kayke asked as he saw one of the guards eyes widened.

"Great, another psychopath."

"Put this two on Elijah's confinement room. Let's see who will go out alive and sane."

Kayle cursed under his breath as he glared at the guards. "Am i still payed after this??"

"Shut up!"

My Harem in prison //BLWhere stories live. Discover now