Chapter 1, The Laufeysons.

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I looked at my husband as we walked hand in hand through the ruins of Jotunnheim.

My husband.

I still couldn't believe that the brilliant, beautiful, tall and graceful god that was walking by my side was now my husband!

I just couldn't stop smiling at the thought.

Loki however, was scowling, his mind seemingly miles away.

"Will we go home, my love?" I gave his hand a gentle squeeze to get his attention.

Loki looked down at me and smiled.

"As much as I would love to, and believe me I have plans, I'm afraid it would be a bad idea at this moment.

The Templars are now fully aware we don't have the support of Asgard behind us, and you just killed a substantial amount of your fellow agents. They will come for us. Where is Jessie right now?"

"She is staying with Richard and Anita," I remembered with relief.

"That is probably for the better," Loki nodded. "Let us pay a visit to Temple Hall first and remind them who they are dealing with.

Besides, they have something that belongs to us, to our people. It is about time we had it returned to us."

We made our way through the portal back to Midgard. Loki stopped to change into the black leather armour he had acquired in Jotunnhold.

With everything that had happened, I hadn't had a chance to take a good look at it.

The supple black leather fitted Loki perfectly, accentuating his broad shoulders, narrow waist and long legs. Silver metal, the same as my necklace, decorated the long fingerless gloves and the thigh-high boots he was wearing.

A long black cape lined with shimmering cerulean fabric was draped off the black and silver pauldrons of his armour and a thick silver-grey fur mantle was arranged over it around his shoulders and his back.

A circlet made of the same silvery material crowned his brow, the Friezegem slotted in the centre between spiralling silvery horns.

Loki held his arms out wide and twirled around for me: "Tada!"

For a moment I was speechless. He was breathtakingly beautiful, in every single meaning of the word.

"Is it to your liking?" he asked giving me a small bow and a smile.

"It's beautiful. You are beautiful."

Suddenly I realised why the armour was so important to him: "The Friezegem belongs on the circlet! This is your father's armour!"

"It is indeed!" Loki grinned and winked. "It is rather fetching, isn't it?"

"I'd say... I love those boots!" I sighed happily.

Loki stuck out a long leg encased in black leather.

"These you mean?" he asked teasingly.

"Oh yes!" I admitted, eyeing his leg appreciatively.

"Wish I would have known earlier you were into those, I would have bought a pair for in the bedroom a long time ago!"

Loki laughed as he watched me turn a bright crimson. I could still be a bit shy about that part of our lives.

"You truly are adorable!

Darling, never change, I love it when you blush like that!" his eyes twinkled as he shook his head.

Loki put his arms around my shoulders. "Come along my dear, let us go and have a little bit of fun with your fellow Templars, shall we?"

Hidden by Loki's magic we traversed Agartha and made our way through Ealdwic. Loki stopped walking before we got to Temple Hall and put his hands upon my shoulders, eyeing me intently.

Sorcha's Secret World, Part 2: Mystery and Mischief.Where stories live. Discover now