Chapter 3, Back to Jotunnhold.

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"We should probably head up to Jotunnhold today," Loki said as he buttoned up his shirt. I was fighting a losing battle with my sweater, one of the sleeves had turned inside out but I had stubbornly tried to stick my arm in it anyway and now my arm was stuck in it.

"Oh, will you just come here!" Loki said irritably as he pulled the sleeve out so I could get my arm through. "How did you ever manage your life without me?"

"Not very well, it took a lot longer to get dressed," I grinned, not bothering to mention that the reason my sleeve was inside out was that he had pulled my sweater off me twice before. Instead, I pulled his head down and kissed him. Loki's hands slowly slid underneath my sweater and started pulling it back up again.

"Oh no, you don't," I grinned and danced out of his reach. "We'll never leave this room if you keep undressing me!"

"I can live with that," Loki grinned back.

It was the second day after our wedding and neither of us had been able to get enough of each other. Now that the dark shadow that had seemingly loomed over our lives had been lifted, we were happier and more in love than ever before.

"But you wanted to visit Jotunnhold today. You said we really should be there to supervise the Templars ourselves before they ransack the place."

"Did I say that? That seems far too sensible for me. You must have misheard." Loki's eyes twinkled mischievously as he caught me around my waist and pulled me close.

"Loki," I giggled. He was truly incorrigible!

Just as he was about to kiss me again he grimaced and smiled wryly.

"But I was right," he admitted grudgingly. "It is one of my worst qualities really, being right all the time. You have no idea what a burden that truly is. We should probably go and supervise the Templars, shouldn't we?"

I bit back a laugh. "Yes, my dear humble husband, we should."

I was about to put on the Jotunn necklace, but Loki held out his hand.

"May I? I haven't had a chance to take a good look at it, my mind having been occupied otherwise and all that," he smiled and winked roguishly.

I handed him the necklace. As he turned it around and read the inscription his smile changed from roguish to melancholic.

"Ah...of course," he said softly.

"What does it say?" I asked.

"It roughly translates as 'To my darling wife Laufey on the day of our son's birth'. It seems to have been a gift my father planned to give my mother once I was born. He never got to gift it to her," Loki said sadly.

"I'm so sorry," I hugged him tightly. "Do you want to bring it to your mother? It might give her spirit some solace?"

"No, you keep it," Loki smiled at me after a moment of hesitation. "She won't have any use for it anymore, and I'm certain they would have wanted you to have it. See it as a wedding gift."

"Why does it turn the wearer into a Frost Giant?" I asked curiously. "Your mother was already Jotunn, so why would it do that?"

"I could give you the long answer but your eyes would just glaze over and you'd start fantasizing about me wearing tweed in front of whiteboards again," Loki teased.

"The short answer is that Jotunn magic is adaptive and thus magic items adapt to the user. It's why my armour and the circlet fit me in both forms, they change depending on my need.

The necklace does the same, it shrunk to fit the user, the user initially being Anna.

But the necklace is more than just jewellery, when activated it is an amplifier for innate Jotunn magic. Since you have no innate Jotunn magic the necklace adapts you instead.

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