Chapter 22, the Heist

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"Then find a way to fix it, boy!" Loki mimicked Odin's voice as he morosely stared at the staff on the workbench.
"Of course, Father, I will get right on that! I'll just wave my magic wand!" His voice dripped with sarcasm.
In a fit of temper, Loki threw the staff against the wall.
"Smart move, that's sure to fix it," Carter muttered under her breath. I shook my head at her warningly.

Before the Asgardian army arrived Loki and I had taken both Carter and Anthony Ryan to the side and filled them in on what was happening.
Loki didn't go exactly into details of the why of it but did explain he had created Beaumont and that Beaumont was now working with Halja to create an army of undead to conquer Midgard in Hel's name.
The security system of the hold would have to be deactivated since it would be constantly triggered by the Asgardian Army camping on our doorstep and without it, the hold wouldn't be the safest place to be.
Anthony reluctantly agreed to return to Oxford for now, but Carter insisted on staying.
"I am not powerless, if it comes to it I can defend myself. I am a Bee too! And on top of that, you are family! I love my own parents very much and I know they love me, but they will never be able to understand my life, be able to understand me, in the way you two do! You might need me before all of this is over, so I'm staying."
I had been about to argue but Loki had shaken his head at me. I could see Carter's words had touched him. He had come to care a lot about her too, almost as much as about Jessie.
"No one should ever be made feel less than they are," Loki said. "If you feel that this is your place, and you feel you are powerful enough to stand with us, I will gladly have you by our side."

Loki didn't seem so glad now. He glared at Carter.
"You have a better idea?" He sniped.
"Replace the gem," she said as she eyed him defiantly.
"I suggested that before," I said to no one in particular since neither of them was listening to me.
"And you just happen to have a replacement part for a thousand years old alien artifact lying around, do you? Because I sure as hell don't!" Loki growled back at Carter.
"No, of course not! But there have got to be items of a similar power on Midgard that might be a suitable replacement!" Carter wasn't phased by Loki's temper.
"Any particular suggestion?" Loki asked acerbically.
Having the AllFather visit the Asgardian encampment regularly had done nothing to improve his mood. The way Odin kept belittling him made him feel small and insignificant, and in response, Loki was lashing out at those around him.
Carter was quiet for a moment. A frown appeared on her face and she pursed her lips as she was thinking.
"Actually... I might have. Let me get one of my textbooks!" She ran out of the room.
"Of course! Why didn't I think of that? The answers to all my woes simply lie in a Midgardian University textbook!" Loki yelled after her.

"She's only trying to help," I said gently.
"I need neither sympathy nor pity! I need a bloody miracle!"
"Hey..." I reached out to him, not certain if he wanted to be comforted or if he'd snap my head off as well. Loki, observant as always, saw my hesitation and sighed. "I'm sorry," he said softly.
I took him in my arms.
"I know it isn't easy having him around," there was no need to clarify who I meant by 'him'.
"He presumes I am to obey his every back and call, and treats me like I am still an obstinate child." Loki ran a hand through his hair.
My talk with Odin hadn't done much, or so it seemed. For a moment I thought I had gotten through to the ancient god, but Odin and Loki had fallen back into a behavioural pattern that went back centuries.
I couldn't see anything more I could do to help but to be there for Loki afterwards.

"Got it!" Carter came in waving a textbook. "Here, look..."
Loki walked over, sceptically eyeing the page she was pointing at. He frowned for a second.
"That... that might actually work!" Suddenly his face began to brighten. "This could actually work!" He picked Carter up and swung her around. "You brilliant genius!"
"Put me down you big idiot," she grinned back. "I told you I could help."
"My apologies," Loki didn't look apologetic at all as he put Carter down again.
"And don't cheer too soon. Do you know where the gem is right now?"
Loki shook his head.

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