Chapter 32, Forever, I do.

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"I am going to trip and fall flat on my face, in the middle of the aisle," I predicted glumly.
"You most certainly will not because I will be right by your side and I would never let you fall," Richard reassured me.
I had been adamant my own father would not learn of my wedding. I was glad Loki got a second chance with his family, but I had tried in the past with mine and that ship had sailed a long time ago. Instead, I had asked Richard to be the one to walk me down the aisle. Richard had always been there for me, ever since we met. A steadying presence I could always rely on, both as my handler and as my friend. I was glad he was there now, I needed someone to steady my nerves.
Richard took the bouquet out of my hand and gave it to Sif to hold.
"It will be a while still and she's pulling it apart with her fidgeting," he winked at her.
I would have bounced up and down if I wasn't wearing such delicate shoes and wasn't weighed down by the sheer weight of the fabric of my dress.
'Top of the World' by the Carpenters was drifting out from the throneroom into the antechamber where we were waiting until everyone was seated and I would make my entrance. Loki and I had quickly thrown together a contemporary list of music to be played while the guests were being seated. I was suddenly irrationally irritated by the cheerfulness of the song. (I wasn't the only one. It's years later now, and the song still makes Loki feel queasy!)
"They are seated now, and Loki, Thor and the other groomsmen just came in," Carter, who had gone to peek into the throneroom, reported back cheerfully.
"Loki is looking so nervous, I think he's going to vomit," she grinned.
Carter was wearing a long elegant dress in delicate sage, Sif's dress was similar but lilac.
"I can't do it!" I suddenly blurted. "It's all wrong, I can't!"
"It will be fine once we walk in, you are going to be fine," Richard tried to reassure me.
"No! It is wrong! What was I thinking? Get Cedric, now!" I was practically in tears.
"I'll get him, you calm her down," Sif told Richard, running off on her high heels.
The music track in the throneroom had come to an end and I was supposed to have walked in, while the choir would start to sing Ruelle's "I get to love you."
I loved the song and the lyrics had seemed perfect when we picked it:

"One look at you; my whole life falls in line.
I prayed for you; before I called you mine.
I can't believe it's true, sometimes.
I can't believe it's true.

I get to love you, it's the best thing that I'll ever do.
I get to love you, it's a promise I'm making to you.
Whatever may come; your heart I will choose.
Forever, I'm yours, forever, I do.
I get to love you."

Cedric came running into the antechamber with Sif on his heels.
"What is happening? Loki was nervous enough, and now Thor has to almost physically restrain him from coming to see you!"
"It is wrong!" I said again. "The song, it is wrong. Can you get your guitar and tell the choir to let you sing instead? Please?"
"Whatever you need," Cedric promised. "Whatever you have in mind, I'll sing it. It is your day after all."
"Thanks," I hugged him gratefully.

A few minutes later and the guards at the door announced me: "Her Royal Highness Goddess Queen Sorcha of Jotunnheim..."
Richard gently squeezed my arm as I held the bouquet in my hand tightly and slowly strode into the throneroom of Asgard.
I blinked against the bright light, my heart suddenly in my throat as I realised all eyes were on me. For a moment I froze, wildly wondering if it would be too late to call the whole thing off and go home.
Then Cedric began to play his guitar, his warm voice drifting through the room:

"Here comes the sun,
Here comes the sun,
And I say, it's all right

Little darling,
It's been a long cold lonely winter.
Little darling,
It seems like years since it's been here.

Here comes the sun,
Here comes the sun,
And I say, it's all right"

My eyes adjusted to the light and my heart soared as I saw Loki standing there at the other side of that endless aisle, Thor standing close to him as if trying to physically bar him from running.
Loki's eyes widened as he recognised the song and he looked up, his face lighting up with a smile as they met mine.
"Slow down, it's not a race," Richard murmured. But I couldn't help but speed up a little, not even noticing the faces of friends, family and guests as I joyfully glided down the aisle to take my place by Loki's side. All I had eyes for was Loki, standing there, his eyes lit up with love and admiration. My Loki. My husband. My fairytale Prince Charming.

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