Obi-Wan x reader - An Unexpected Surprise Part 2

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Obi-Wan Kenobi x reader

T/W: violence, bad writing

Word Count: 1,550k


"Obi-Wan wait!" you shouted as you flew behind him.

"I can't, I will lose it" he shouted back but he hit a wall making him hold on with one hand.

"Give me your hand"


"Look, I am not trying to ask you to marry me, but if you fall I'll be the last person you'll ever see. Don't want that, right?" you shouted.

You spotted a sniper aiming at Obi-Wan. Without thinking you took out your blaster and aimed at him trying to shoot him unsuccessfully.

He shot you instead, destroying your jetpack and making you fall.

You tried to think of a possible way to stop the fall when you saw Anakin driving a speeder.

He came after you and you landed directly in the co-pilot's seat.

"Thank you, Anakin," you said breathlessly.


"Look. Your Master" you pointed at Obi-Wan who was falling too. Anakin turned the speeder and ran after his Master who, just like you, landed at the back.

"See we're all here" he commented. "What took you so long?" he asked his padawan.

"I am sorry Master. I just couldn't find a speeder that I really liked"

"With all due respect this is not the time," you said while trying to spot the sniper.

Anakin's piloting wasn't helping as you barely managed to hold on.

"Anakin watch out" you yelled as you passed through a decoupling.

You continued chasing him when Anakin turned the other way.

"What are you doing? He went that way" Obi-Wan said.

"Master if we keep this chase any longer that creep is gonna end up fried. And personally, I very much like to find out who he is and who is he working for"

"This is my job, Anakin. And trust me I won't leave if I don't find out who he is"

"I know, Y/N. This is a shortcut... I think"

"You think?" you and Obi-Wan said in unison.

He just continued driving ignoring you both when you ended up losing him.

"Well, you've lost him" he crossed his arms in his chest.

"I am deeply sorry Master"

"Nice shortcut. He went completely the other way. Once again you've proved-"

"If you'll excuse me," you said and stood up. You had spotted the sniper.

"Gentlemen" you nodded and jumped.

Yet you managed to hear Obi-Wan's disappointed tone, "I hate it when she does this"

You couldn't help but smile.

As you fall you saw the sniper's speeder and jumped on it trying to hold on.

She must've noticed you because he tried to move the ship to make you drop, but unsuccessfully.

As things couldn't get worse than you hanging by the tail of the speeder, he took out a blaster and tried to shoot you. I hate this job, you thought.

In the meanwhile, you had managed to get a better look at the sniper only to realize that she was a woman you had to deal with.

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