Luke Skywalker x reader

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Request: Hi could I req Luke skywalker x reader who has PoTS (postural tachycardia syndrome)? I recently got diagnosed and the effects have been taking a toll on my physical and mental health so I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!

I really hope you're ok. I'm sorry that it took me a couple of days to answer this ask. Be safe and be careful! Also I am not very familiar with PoTS so I'm sorry if I make some mistakes or write something that is inacurrate. Hope you like it!


First of all, this guy would worry more than you. And I mean it. I can imagine him stay awake at nights, only to make sure you're okay.He would make the biggest research on PoTS and would make sure you have everything you need.He would make sure you eat healthy and you're hydratedWhenever you felt lightheaded he would always be with you, trying to make you feel better.He would always follow you around, and although in the beginning you are annoyed, in the end you are thankfulWhenever you would sit down or get up he would always be by your side"Take it easy, sweetheart" He would always go to doctor appointments with youAnd if you ever felt like a burden? He would assure you otherwise. "You're the love of my life, are you serious? I can't imagine a world without you! You're the greatest, bravest and best person I've ever met! You are not, and will never be a burden to me. Ever!" he would almost yell and shower you with kisses and compliments.He would also support you mentallyIf you wanted to talk about something he would always be thereHe is a very good listener and a better adviserIf you wanted to cry? He would hug you and wrap his arms around you. He hates seeing you like this, but he knows that crying is often a relief.He would support you all way through

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