Obi-Wan x reader - request

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Anonymous asked:

Can you write a nice fluff piece for Obi-Wan. The reader is a jedi master too and her and Obi-Wan have a crush on each other.

So, she's watching Obi-Wan and Anakin duel (scene from kenobi show) and she tells Obi-Wan to take it easy on anakin when they're done. Then Obi-Wan and reader duel and it's all fluffy lol you can take it from there.

Hii! Of course, hope you like it!

T/W: None, just bad writing

Word Count: 1k


"Master Y/L/N, a pleasure to see you again" Anakin greeted you from afar when you entered the training room.

"Hello, Anakin. How are you?"

"I'm fine, thank you. Is there anything I can help you with?" he asked as he approached you.

"I was looking for your Master actually" you admitted a bit ashamed although you had no reason to.

You and Obi-Wan were just good friends for many years and it was natural that you were found together most of the time.

Well, if your heart could speak it would correct you and say that you wished you were something more than that. But you know. The order, the difficulty of the times, we've all heard these excuses before.

"He should be here by any minute" he talked when you moved to the edge of the room to admire the breathtaking view of Coruscant.

"Ah, there you are" you heard the familiar voice of Anakin's Master from behind and you turned, hands behind your back to greet him. "Master Kenobi. See you still haven't changed that bad habit of yours to arrive late" you teased him.

"If I knew you were coming I would've come sooner"

"I am sure you would"

"What do we own the pleasure?"

"I just wanted to inform you about a subject but it's nothing urgent, I can wait"

"Always happy to have you around" he commented and you hope they didn't notice the heat on your cheeks. You moved to the corner and smiled, "Don't mind me"

Obi-Wan and his padawan took fight positions.

"Are you ready?" the master asked his padawan who ignited his lightsaber, "Are you?"

"Then let's begin"

The duel started and you had to admit that they were both pretty good at it. Anakin easily blocked his Master's hits but Obi-Wan was also good at attacking and keeping the upper hand in the battle.

A couple of seconds later, after Obi-Wan's hit, they gained some distance, sabers still ignited.

"You grow too aggressive Anakin, be mindful. A Jedi's goal is to defend life not take it"

At the sound of these words, the young padawan attacked his Master who easily avoided it now both having their backs pressed again each other's.

"Mercy doesn't defeat an enemy, Master"

A couple of hits later his saber was pressed against his Master's, "Which is why you're good"

In the meanwhile, you were watching the intense duel, not missing a beat.

The padawan had skills but lack of experience. The Master had also skills and experience but went harsh on his padawan which caused the duel to be so intense.

They were both harsh to each other.

Anakin had now backed Obi-Wan into the corner, "Admit you're beaten"

The few seconds with the sounds of the lightsabers passed incredibly slow before he escaped his grip and after a few moves regained control of the duel.

With a hit, Anakin managed to push Obi-Wan's lightsaber out of his grip, leaving him defenseless.

"There. Your weapon's gone. It's over" Anakin stood in front of him and smiled in victory.

Obi-Wan's next words were as he spoke it from your mind, "Your need for victory, Anakin, it blinds you"

It was obvious that the padawan's lust for victory had taken over him at this very moment.

Obi-Wan got up and after a few seconds he had taken Anakin's saber, "You're a great warrior Anakin, but you'll need to prove yourself as your undoing" He glanced over you and then turned to his padawan, "Until you overcome it" he turned off the saber, "Padawan you'll still be"

He handed it to him, offering a gentle yet encouranging smile. Anakin nodded and turned to you,"Goodbye, Master"

"Bye, Anakin" you smiled to the yound boy as he passed in front of you.

"You're too harsh on him. Take it easy" you pushed yourself off the wall and approached him.

"Oh, yeah? And what do you suggest?" he raised an eybrow quite amused.

"I don't know. But he's still human. He needs to hear positive comments too"

"You never heard anything good yet here you are"

You sighed. "I know. I am just saying"

"Hm" he turned his back to you to grab his lightsaber from the ground.

"You know, he actually won. Not that hard, though. You're fighting like an old man" you smirked crossing your hands against your chest.

"Excuse me?" his eyes were lit from amusement, making him look exactly like ten years before.

"You heard what I said, old man" you barely suppressed your laugh.

"You know we're at the same age, right?"

"Of course. But I will never get old" you laughed and he joined you.

"We can see that, you know"

"What do you have in mind, Kenobi?"

"Let's duel. Like the old days"

"Are you sure you want to lose again?"

"Oh, dear. You bet"

Without a warning you ignited your lightsaber and your blue blade met his. You attacked again and he successfully blocked your hits but you still managed to have control.

The fight continued for minutes and you continued attacking methodically until his back met the wall and the lightsaber flew out of his hand.

"I win" you breathed and turned of your lightsaber off.

"You forgot something"

"What?" you asked confused and he found opportunity to drag your leg with his, making you lose your balance hitting the ground, Obi-Wan landing right above you.

"Ouch!" you exclaimed and he suported his weight on his elbows. You were trapped under him.

It was too awkward to do anything, especially now that you had some feelings.

"I win"

"Alright, alright. Can you let me go now?"

"Nope" he smirked and when he saw your confused expression answered with amusement, "maybe this was a plan so I could trap you. What do you say?"

Oh great! Now he had that "negotiation" face of his.

"I say that if this was your plan then you succeeded, Master Kenobi"

Without missing a beat his lips captured yours in a lustful yet sweet and soft kiss.

"What took you so long?" you asked when you finally pulled away.

"What took you so long?"

"You're unbelievable"

"I love you too"

"Whateven you say" you muttered and kissed him again.

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