Chapter Three...Tears of Ice

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Copyright 2011 Lindsay Covington

Chapter Three

Belina dropped her textbook with a heavy thud! “What is my screw-up of a brother doing here?!”

“What the hell!” I yelled, showing more emotion in that one statement than I had in a long time. 

Tristan tapped the glass and said something along the lines of, “Let me in!” Only his version was a lot cruder. I looked at Belina and she shook her head at him.

“You sure?”

She bit her lip, “Okay, okay! Let him in! I can’t have him get caught, though, then we are all done for.” I nodded and took a step in the direction of the window. 

I flicked the locks to the side so that I could open and then placed my fingertips under the edge of the sliding glass. On contact with my fingers, delicate seams of ice travelled up the unseen cracks of the glass, spiderwebbing out from my fingers. Suddenly seeing a reason to hurry, I hurled the window open with such force that it hit the wall and the glass quivered slightly. “Get in.” I mumbled, refusing to look at his face, not sure if he saw the window or not and bounced onto my bed.

“Finally! Why the hell did you leave me out there for so long? Did you think that I had iron fingers or something?! A person can only hold onto a narrow window ledge on the second floor for so long!” Tristan yelled and shot a look at his sister, who looked away guiltily. 

“What do you mean left you out there?” I asked coolly.

He shot me a look, “I was hanging on that window ledge for upwards of tw--”

“No.” I cut him off harshly, “This is the girl’s dorm, and I’m sure that the last time you checked, you were a guy. We didn’t have to let you in, you know.”

Belina snorted, “Are you so sure about that?” I drew my eyebrows together, did she mean my comment about being a guy? Or letting him in?

“What happened?” He barked, addressing Belina. I rolled my eyes.

“Smooth subject change there, champ.” He glared at me and the literal temperature in the room rose with his increasing anger. That odd sweat that kept freezing broke out near my hairline from the sudden heat, I wiped it away quickly and glared back.

“Was I talking to you?”

“You tell me.” 

Steam seemed to come out of his ears, figuratively, of course. Belina put a hand on his skin and muttered a few calming words. He shrugged her off and opened his mouth.

“I don’t get why you are so moody,” I beat him to speaking, “you didn’t seem as angry earlier. Anyways, this is our room in the girls dorm and I suggest you tell us why you are here before I scream rape and the house mistress runs in here with a bat.”

He looked taken aback, as if shocked that I would threaten him, “Did you seriously just threaten me?!”

I rolled my eyes again, letting them rest looking at the ceiling as if asking for help from above, “No, I clearly said suggest as in a suggestion.”

“You have no right to talk to me like that! Especially after I gave you a ride here and then you left me to get caught!”

“I remember you purposely going slow and then we were late. So excuse me for ditching you to get out of trouble! It was your fault after all.”

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