Chapter Six...Tears of Ice

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A/N Sorry, this is a little late, but oh well...and the song "Nobody's Home" completely belongs to Avril Lavigne and all of that copy right stuff.

Copyright 2011 Lindsay Covington


Chapter Six

“So. What do you do when it rains around here?” I asked Tristan, noting  the sky lights, the open-air archways leading to impressive balconies, and the pane-less windows in the large library. 

“Nothing.” He replied.


“It only rains when, and where we, my family and I, want it to.” He clarified for me.

“Yeah ri--” I started, but was cut off by a sharp voice.

“Oi! Who goes there? Who enters my library?” The voice was that of an elderly woman, old and wizened in the way that only the voice of someone who’s seen many years can possess.

“Just Prince Tristan and a friend, Lady Ollwin.” He called out, deep voice bouncing off the walls, ceilings, columns and shelves. A tall, thin shape swung around the towering book shelf  nearest to Tristan and me. The old woman had deeply tanned, wrinkled skin and thick white hair wrapped around her head an bound up with pins and flowers. A flowing, greek-style off-white tunic hung off of one of her thin, boney shoulders.

“Who are you, young miss?” She asked me, rushing over with two large volumes stacked in her arms. Only to come to an abrupt standstill as soon as she came within five feet of us, or, me...

“My name is Odette.” I said calmly. Her brow creased with worry and her eyes narrowed slightly as her grip on the books tightened considerably.

“Your kind does not walk these halls.” She stated with a heated voice.

“Excuse me?” I asked, a bit flustered. What is going on here? First the Queen, now this.

“Those from the Winter Realm have not been welcome here for a very long time.” The Lady replied with a bit of uncertainty in her previously angry voice.

“Lady,” Tristan cut in as I opened my mouth to speak, “Is my sister here?”

“No, Tristan, I think she’s in her room or out in the lavender fields. Why don’t you go find her, I’ll keep Miss Odette company.” She told him matter-of-factly. Tristan nodded uncertainly, letting his eyes search her face before looking over to me.

“Be polite to Lady Ollwin, princess.”

“Again, would you stop calling me that? And I am plenty polite, just not to you, Princey-poo.” 

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