Chapter Four...Tears of Ice

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Copyright 2011 Lindsay Covington


Chapter Four

“Can you pah-weaze get me tat teddy bear? Pweaze!!” I begged, purposely using my baby voice. 

I had been six, I could pull it off. Sometimes. I thought consciously, interrupting the replay of my past being shown to me, again, by my subconscious mind.

My sister bit her lip, not wanting to have to say no to me, “I-I’m sorry, Dee,” She said, using my the nickname I had given to myself when I was one. Let’s face it, Odette is a mouthful for a toddler. “But I can’t, you know Dad doesn’t like us on this side of town alone.”

My eyes filled with tears as I processed her reply. I sniffled and pressed my chubby face to the bus window, blowing little puffs of steam on the dirty glass. My eyes tracked the quickly disappearing toy-store in the distance, my hopes at getting the bear disappearing as fast as the building itself.

The bus shuddered to a screeching stop and I was thrown forward with the sudden lack of motion. Juliette threw her arm across me so I wouldn’t go crashing into the hard plastic of the seat directly in front of me.

“Thank you.” I grumbled, still feeling a bit put out, and crossed my chubby arms over my chest. She glanced at my face and sighed.

“Does it really mean that much to you?” She asked, referring to the bear in an exasperated manner.

I sniffled again and pouted, “Yes.” She looked me in the eyes and I saw her will to resist crumble down like the Berlin Wall.

“Come on.” She gave into my requests and stood up, holding out a hand for me to take.

Squealing with a delight only a little girl could contain, I jumped up and hugged my sister, bombarding her with “thank you’s” and promises to make it up to her inn the near future. Juliette smiled and extracted herself from the tight hold I had her in, removing my short chubby arms from around her hips.

I reached out and clutched her hand as we made it down the thin aisle between her hand as we made it down the thin aisle between the dirty bus seats and wove through a maze of standers, of which two took our vacant seats. We exited the bus via the sliding doors near the front. They let out a gasp of air upon being opened and once Juliette and I left the bus, we started following the concrete sidewalks back up the road to the toy-store.

Night was falling around us. Juliette seemed to notice this and hurried me along, my stubby legs almost working at a jog to keep up with her long-legged pace.

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