Star Trek Voyager: The Mylar Cat (2nd Edition) (Chapter 14)

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For the next few months, life aboard Voyager flowed in a rhythm of purposeful activity and fleeting moments of respite.

The  crew engaged in their tireless pursuit of charting celestial objects,  maintaining the ship's intricate machinery, and cherishing whatever pockets of leisure and recreation the journey allowed.
Through it all, they held a steadfast course toward Earth, their ultimate but almost impossibly distant destination.

Amidst the routines and missions, Aki had found his own gentle cadence, blending into the busy life aboard Voyager. What was once a novelty had become a seamless part of the crew's daily activities, and his presence was now a cherished and enriching element of their voyage.

Over  time, Tom Paris, normally known for his lighthearted nature and love  for adventure, had noticed a subtle yet discernible evolution in his own  general presence and outlook.
The change, he figured, was down to an  amalgamation of factors, including Voyager's situation and the meaningful bond he shared with B'Elanna. Yet he also realized a big portion of this growth was influenced by the very close companionship he had developed with Aki.

It's often said, that people tend to mirror the company they keep, and as Tom spent more time in the company of Aki, he couldn't help but be influenced by the gentle, consistently kind-hearted, yet vulnerable aura the young cat-boy radiated.

This regular immersion in such humbling energy had started to exert an influence on Tom's thoughts, shaping his worldview in subtle ways.
He  found himself naturally gravitating toward new perspectives and pondering ideas that carried thought-provoking, almost philosophical weight.

Embracing an open heart, Tom came to recognize that Aki's almost permanent state of being present in the moment, had had a profound influence on him, for example, to venture beyond mere thrill-seeking within the holodeck.

It had led Tom to discover the holodeck's capacity for fostering greater moments of soulful contemplation, rather than just running around shooting things.

One such catalyst was a hidden gem of a program called, "Earth Garden."

Nestled inconspicuously within the ship's archive of holodeck programs, "Earth Garden" lay amidst a long list of much more fanciful simulations.
The name itself seemed very unassuming, overshadowed by the allure of other virtual worlds whose titles beckoned with promises of far greater excitement or interest. 
And thus, "Earth Garden," remained untouched, gathering digital dust, until Aki's gentle curiosity led him to select it one day.

Upon entering the program, Aki discovered a world of breathtaking beauty.

It  was a holographic rendition of a renowned Earthly garden, insanely  realistic, but further transformed by holographic imaginings into an even more resplendent collection of beautiful fantasy-esque dreamy vistas.

Flowers danced in harmonious choreography, sunlight painted gentle strokes across lush heavenly meadows and landscapes, and fragrant breezes whispered secrets of distant lands.

The tranquillity it exuded, was like a soothing balm for the soul, an oasis of serenity that resonated deeply within the heart.

News of the discovery spread through the crew like a secret exchanged among close friends, and swiftly, "Earth Garden," flourished into Voyager's most coveted holodeck refuge.

It became the go-to haven where crew members sought solace and renewal, surpassing even the enchantment of Fairhaven; capturing the imagination and longings, of those who yearned for a touch of home.

It was sunset on the holodeck. Tom was sat on a bench in the Earth Garden program, which was often open for communal use.

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