MAP 3 :

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Sneaking? Not my strong suit but it was do able. It was hard to stay so quiet with a human sized robot in front of me with the fear of it turning around or me making a sound. Before i knew it the elevator made a ding and the doors slid open. The robot walked out of the small enclosed room still not noticing me its feet stomped on the metal ground it walked forward to a very, very long hallway a yellow hallway. No actually a very yellow entire building. Gosh, someone REALLY likes yellow. Then beside me i noticed something moving out of the corner of my eyes, i looked over it was, was, was more little robots? At least twenty of them all sitting in office boxes doing office work, i guess. They had little computer screens, keyboards, calendars, and notebooks. Like humans. Only they had box bodies no joints no legs just one rectangle body with a tire for legs and skinny metal arms they also had one big blue eye in the center of their faces if you can call that a face.

Something else started moving i didn't know whether it was me or the elevator when i finally realized it in a seconds time was the doors closing smaller and smaller. I thought skinny and jumped through the small opening sideways. I hadn't realized what a loud thud i had made on the metal floor i scrunched my face just waiting for sirens to sound or police coming to run for me but nothing happened no sound changes it was the same typing on keyboard and mumbling. Mumbling? I looked around for the mumbles but my ears weren't strong enough to pin point the sound. Another weird sound rung out. Under me? No. In front of me down the hallway. Yes. The human sized robot was punching in some numbers beside the big yellow door. I needed to use that quick thinking again to figure out what i was going to do if i moved would the robots notice me run by or if i stayed would that get me caught as well. Choices. Dumb, choices.

The big yellow door opened for what i could see inside was two people at a desk and a window behind them, out from the window was a giant circle. I had to make a decision quick. If i get caught then i'll just fight back what could these little robots do anyway they looked busy anyway so i slouched down getting ready to sprint off like a 5K runner. I took a deep breath. Then, dart! I was off running as hard as i could i felt an ache in my knees and back gosh i wasn't as young as what i used to be. Running was, not as fun as what it used to be. This was the longest hallway EVER! Yellow, yellow, yellow, grey, yellow, and can you guess more yellow! I seen something small and round on the ground in front of me moving but i was running to fast and to hard to stop so i jumped over it i had no idea what it was but hopefully it wasn't some killer i-robot looking machine. The door was shutting I had to run harder. I gave it my last big stride. Through the doors opening i ran through. I didn't know what to do with myself it just hurt, everything hurt! My legs, my back, my chest, my head, and even my arms. There's my sign i need to run more often. I was breathing so hard i hadn't even realized that i was being stared at. My mouth was so dry.

"Hey! The vault hunter i called for." A mans voice rung out in the room. It sounded like the one that was on the monitor device earlier.

I looked up seeing that room was huge the biggest office i'd have ever seen in my life it was as big as a house. The circle i had saw wasn't just a circle it was, was a MOON! A PLANET! Theres STARS! Why is there stars? Why is the sky so dark like space. Where the bologna was i? I looked down from the space window to a desk sitting at the top of the stairs. Fancy. It was kind of blah in here dark walls dark grey floors no bright yellow unlike out the door. The only color in the whole room was his yellow desk and the purple MOON out the window! Ugh gosh this is insane. How is there a moon.

"Yoo-hoo!" The mans voice yodeled. My eyes went to him standing up at his desk. "Yeah, you. Vault Hunter."

Vault hunter? What was he talking about?

"I got some missions for you, if your in for today i mean you are here, in my office, right now, so your in. Right?"

"Uh." Was the only thing i could get out. Who was he talking to? Me? I don't know what a Vault Hunter is but i've never been labeled as one of them.

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