Ch 1. Every Blue Moon

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Mrs. Steinfeld's POV

I scoff at the time on the clock as it gets closer to the time Niall was supposed to be here. Instead of waiting, I cook and feed the dogs hoping to pass the time. When I look up I notice only 20 minutes have passed.

Niall was supposed to be here a half hour ago, after all of his promises of him going to be better and do better, I initially thought he meant it this time. I come home most days to an empty house, my husband nowhere to be seen.

I made compromise after compromise so he could take on his father's business and yet he doesn't seem to give me anything in return. I do enjoy the little time we have together but things have started to feel different.

Niall and I just don't work the way we used to, before we moved. I never went a day where I didn't love him to the moon and back but now I feel like his love is fading.

I play with the ring on my finger, twisting it around, pulling it off and putting it back on again, curious as to how it would feel without it there. No surprise here but the ring doesn't change all that much because when it's on I hate that my happy wedding memories are fogged over with our endless fights and when I take it off, I hate the emptiness I'm feeling.

A large white-creamed modern furnished house, with expensive modern décor creates such a warm inviting atmosphere it's a shame its cold and empty most of the time. We bought this house together, with every intention to live together but that simply doesn't happen.

I truly thought that I would finally be happy, but I guess some things just don't change.

I sit in the living room finishing a bottle of wine when I hear him call my name "Haiz, I'm home!"

It's 12pm where the hell has he been?

"Babe, you here?" He calls out again, his Irish accent prominent.

"In the living room." I shout back with less energy. He runs over to me, a huge grin on his face as he hugs me but I don't reciprocate the affection. "What's wrong?" he questions, his voice laced with concern as the happiness drains from within him upon seeing my expression.

"Niall, where have you been?" I ask, glancing down at the table in front of me playing with the ring on my finger. I don't want to fight, I just want an honest answer. Hopefully, he'll finally give that to me.

"I've been working on a few business deals. Hailee, I truly have amazing news." He doesn't answer my question, still feigning away from what I asked him.

"Niall what the hell happened to-" he cuts me off before I can finish my sentence.

"You can't just expect me to come home everyday and sit here with you mad at me. You are supposed to be a loving and caring wife. I mean- come on! You're neither of those."

"Well I am not happy with you right now!" I spat at him and he continued to stare down at the half full glass of wine. This wasn't the first time that Niall had done this but it also wasn't going to be the last time.

For months Niall had been cheating and constantly been unfaithful. He would come home late and not say a word to me. Not even a 'Hi' or an 'I love you.'

"You're never here. I'm tired of this and I'm sick of eating alone, I hate it here." I shout frustration heavy in my tone. He shakes his head to say 'no' as he rolls his eyes.

"Hailee, I am sick of this argument we go over and over this all the time, it's my job there's nothing I can do...I love my job you know this." He somehow pleads with me and no matter how hard I try, I always fall back into the same hazy facade he puts up. But this time I won't do it again.

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