Easy Company (Female Medic)

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shell after shell falling from the sky, trees falling down, the sound of screaming and yelling from both sides of the field, and men being killed left to right.

we have been sitting on the line of bagstone, watching over the town of foy waiting for the moment of attack. i was easy company's only female medic...

okay.. i was the only female in the entire airborne division. it took sometime to warm up to the guys and definitely for them to warm up to me, but since we landed in normandy, i was their only hope to keep them alive and make it back home.

"hey y/n! come over here!" malarkey yelled. making my way to the fox hole that he had shared with penkala and muck, shells lighted up the sky before land on ground blowing up trees.

"medic! medic!" left and right i am running towards someone who either got his leg or arm blown off, or someone who is completely dead on the scene.

I heard the screaming of babe and alley and i run towards them, before i took my last step making it to their fox hole, everything went dark.


babe's pov

i sat there in shock looking at y/n unconscious. alley couldn't believe what he was seeing either.

"y/n!!!" i screamed in agony. as the shelling completely stopped i ran out of my fox hole and ran towards the unconscious girl lying in front of alley and i.

"medic!! we need a medic!" alley yelled besides me. all the men ran towards our hole to see what was going on. once they saw y/n lying in my arms not moving, they froze. some fell to their knees and some turned away not wanting to see the state she was in.

she was completely filled with dirt, blood dripping from her leg, helmet and satchel long gone. her pulse was still there and she was slowly breathing, but no sudden noise or movement came from her.

doc roe, with winters and nixon on his tail, come running through the crowd of men. roe fell to his knees, taking y/n from my arms and began checking her over.

"she has a sharpel stuck in her leg. she it her head hard on the ground so she has a major concussion. she needs to be taken out of here now!" doc said with his voice shaking trying to control his anger and sadness.

edward, eugene's other medic partner, came with a stretcher. they both gently lifted her on to the stretcher and ran off with her into the darkness, going to the closest medical hospital.


winters's pov

i watched as the docs took y/n away. turning back towards the men, you could feel the tension. a lot of them stormed off into the fox holes, some still stood in their spot looking at the pool of blood that came from our female medic, and most men were mubling under their breathe about wanting to kill more germans for what their weapons had done.

i turned to nixion who stood beside me and he was emotionless. i couldn't tell what he was thinking, but by looking at his face, he was furious, and also sad.

"hey, let's go back-" i started before he unsurprisingly cut me off, gaining attention from the surrounding men.

"and do what? just fucking sit there? how can we fucking do that? they just almost killed our female medic! all she was trying to do was her fucking job and they got her! she's only 19 dick! she has so much to fucking live for and now she is dying on a dirty medical bed!!" nixion could be heard across the field. all the men stood around hearing him lash in anger.

i looked around at the men and a lot of them has tears running down their face and some angrily looking at the ground.

"it should've been one of us sir, not y/n. she is the most important person in our division. she's helped us through everything. all the up's and down's, and if we lose her, we are all lost." guarnere said, basically speaking for everyone.

i nodded my head and headed towards the medical hut that doc roe and shames set up for her specifically. i walked towards the hut and saw unfamiliar faces which seemed to be other medics from fox and dog company.

"sir, these are some medics here to help with y/n situation. edward ran to them asking for medical equipment and they came with what they had." eugen said wiping his hand that was covered in y/n's blood, "she is still unconscious, but she is stitched up and she will make it."

i sighed in relief and looked over at the sleeping girl who was all cleaned up. the medics from fox and dog shook hands with the men of easy, and left back to their positions.

though the line was supposed to be watched, the men all sat around the hut waiting for the girl to wake up. the germans were sent a note of anger saying they hit our medic and for that, a truce was made to hold all firing until we knew she was alive.


your pov

i felt the cold breeze hit my body and made me shiver. i slowly opened my eyes, adjusting to the morning light. i slowly looked over and saw it was still snowing, but what grabbed my attention was all the men sitting, standing, or leaning in weird positions surrounding me.

"how long was i out?" i squeaked making everyone look up immediately.

all the guys jumped up from their positions cheering and crying as they saw me sitting up looking at them with my piercing eye/color.

winters and nixion were notified right away that i was up and they came running from their tents. nixion bolted passed through everyone and engulfed me into a big hug, with that, everyone joined for a group hug, even winters, lipton, and buck too.

"what's going on? why are you all like this?" i asked clearly confused.

"y/n, you almost got blown up. you were out for 5 days. roe and shames didn't even take you into town. they set up everything here and started working on you. you had a big sharpel in your leg and was out cold. medics from other company came to our line to help you get stitched up and made sure you had a medical satchel and a helmet too." winter's said.

i sat there with tears pooling in my eyes. i looked at the men around me. a lot of them looked as if they have been crying. i didn't know i meant so much to these men.

one by one each guy came up and gave me a hug and asked if i was okay. the officers stood back watching the sight.

weeks later, after still holding the line of foy, i was up and walking. i still had a limp, but not so much pain. the would walk to the guys fox holes to make sure they were doing okay, but the conversation would turn around on me. i was the one being asked if i was okay. i would laugh it off saying i was fine and walk to the next group of men.

god gave me another chance. i was surprised to be alive after the story of what babe and alley told me and what they saw happened, but i was proud to be their female medic.

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