The Spider's Daughter chapter 10

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Wow! Already to chapter 10! I was up late last night writing. Enjoy!


Chapter 10

"You are developing powers, and people here are getting jealous," he explained. "If you do choose to stay, you must be ready for another attack like today's. I cannot suppress the thoughts of an entire school. And I'm sorry, for not catching Kayla sooner, and for this."

I was quiet. I wasn't shocked, or mad. I knew something like this was coming. I wasn't a mutant. I had powers because my father had had a freak accident. The people here were different. This wasn't my place.

"I'll go." I whispered. I felt...numb.

Professor X nodded once. He already knew my decision. He probably knew before I did.

"I'll keep in touch. We can have classes together over the web, if you'd like."


"And I'm sure Jake can visit on the weekends." he said with a smile.

That got a reaction. I felt the corners of my lips turning up, and I said, "That would be nice."

The Professor nodded, and continued explaining how he could give me a device so we could communicate via video, or we could just have classes through mental connection. I opted for both, sometimes one, sometimes another, sometimes both.

Then he said, "Since you are Spidergirl, and you will never be one of the X-Men, I've decided that you could live with one ride in the jet. Head downstairs after you pack. Jean and Scott will drop you off at home on their way to Boston. They've got to pick up another mutant."

I ran up to my room, and stuffed my clothes in my bags. Shirt sleeves and pant legs dangled hazardously out of full bags. I rushed around the room, trying to pack everything away. Luckily, I never needed to run and get new bags. I could whip up a couple of web bags in no time, and I used a different kind of web, a kind that wouldn't dissolve in an hour. It would last a long time. I would probably have to ask Johnny to melt it. Or I'd keep it, just in case.

I grabbed my bags, five total, and lifted them with the ease of super-strength. I ran out into the hall, and straight into Jake. Shawnee was standing next to him.

"Woah, May, what's going on?"

"The Professor thinks that maybe I should go, and I agree with him."

"If this is because of what happened with Kayla-"

"But that's exactly what it's about! Professor X said that there are lots of people thinking like Kayla did. If the whole school attacked me, I doubt I'd survive. I got lucky when Reed decided to make my suit fireproof, and I was lucky that Kayla never hit me with something hot enough to burn it."

"Kayla did burn your suit, May. It may not have hurt you, but it's burnt alright."

I looked down and gasped. I had never taken my suit off, and I hadn't even been thinking about it except to thank God for Reeds Richards.

"Reed's not going to be happy about this." I muttered as I examined my now black suit. The whole thing was still as flexible and comfortable as ever, but it was coal black. As far as I could tell, the back was black too. I looked at the mask I still carried in my hand. It was black too. The web patterns were now a silvery gray, and they stood out against the dark fabric.

"Wow. I've got a ninja suit." I said, and Shawnee laughed.

"Girlfriend, what's with all the bags?" she asked.

"The Prof. and I decided I should go home, remember? You guys can still see me on the weekends. And we all have computers."

Shawnee ran forward and gave me a big, blue hug. I hugged her back, and I could feel sobs shaking her slim frame. A tear or two leaked out of my eye as I held her.

"Shawnee, I'll call you. And email. And I can visit on the weekends, too. We can still have Danger Room practice." I said, smiling. She leaned back and wiped her eyes with a three-fingered hand. She stepped back, and Jake stepped forward.

"I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too, Jake."

His white wings swept around us, forming a living, feathery tent. He leaned down. "I know I've only known you a month, May, but I love you." he whispered into my ear. I smiled wider, and another tear sneaked down my cheek.

Then Jake leaned down farther, and I realized why he put his wings around us. His lips touched mine, and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

Our first real kiss. I was drowning in feathers. My spider-sense tingled and time slowed down. This time, I slowed with it. Heat surged through my body, and my lips burned. We pulled away from each other, and spent a moment staring into each other's eyes. Gosh. How could anyone have such gorgeous blue eyes? It should be illegal. He could do way too much with those too-blue eyes.

He stepped back and folded his wings. There was a pink tinge to his cheeks, and I felt mine burning. "Well... Bye I guess." I said awkwardly. I walked down the stairs, leaving them behind me.

In a couple minutes, I reached the underground hangar. The jet sat sleek and silent.

"May, you have wonderful timing!" Jean walked up. "We were just getting ready to leave."

Scott came up behind her. "You ready to go?"

I hefted my bags, "All ready." they both eyed the five bags, all stuffed full to bursting, then back to me, carrying them as though they were filled with feathers. No, scratch that. It felt more like they were filled with helium. Really, with strength proportionate to that of a spider, these bags were nothing.

"Well, let's go." Scott said, and the three of us climbed in. The roof above us slowly rolled open, and the jet lifted off. It had the most up-to-date stuff available, stuff that the military didn't even have yet. A lot of it was thanks to Reed Richards. He supplied a lot of superheros with equipment. Including me, I thought when I remembered the charred suit that was currently all I was wearing. In a few minutes, we came to a stop.

"Here we are. Your house is right beneath us."

"Thanks, guys." Scott nodded, and Jean stood up and walked over to the hatch. "Unfortunately, your yard isn't big enough for us to land. We'll have to lower you down." she opened the hatch, and pulled out a harness. I shook my head.

"That's okay. I can lower myself down." I slung a web through the handles of my bags and slung them all over my shoulder. Giving a little wave, I jumped out of the plane. Time slowed. I looked up to see Jean looking out of the hatch, and I shot a web past her face. Unnecessary, but more fun, attaching my web to the inside of the plane, not the outside. I landed on the ground and waved at the jet above me. I saw Jean wave back, and the jet took off. I turned around and walked into my house.


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