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"I seen what happened with you and Debby Ryan that shit was funny" ivy's boyfriend, Alex said "in actually friends with her now" I said "you know Josh dun?" He asked "yah I'm friends with him too" I said "sick" he said and I nodded "I missed you" ivy said huggeing me "I've missed you too" I said "the first night I wasn't here I was like uhg where's ally talking to rook when I need it, cause I couldn't sleep" she said "aw, I love you" I said And I hugged her again "when you where alone did you have any alirgic reaction?" She asked "no I didn't eat kiwi because I missed them" I said "girl, rook would be so mad" she said and I nodded.

When Claires grandma passed, not even half a year after she moved in with her, she really wanted to tour again and Ash said that if we tour that kells and them can open for us but Anna needs to find someone that can watch Zane "we could take him with us" Claire said "with the guys no way, he's 5" Anna said "yah that seems like a resipe for desaster" I said "mawmaw" Zane said "you know what I'm sorry all of you but I can't do this, it's not easy while careing for a kid, I have to leave the band" Anna said then ivy ran in with her boyfriend "I'm pregnant!" She yelled "but it's anew chapter in my life and I have to leave the band, still friends though" she said "if there leaveing I am too" Claire said "go back to tattoos" Anna said "I would but I closed my tattoo shop for this band, and now I might as well for for my dad" I said "no your an amazing drummer be a solo act" ivy said "no if you guys are quiting I'm moveing back to Toledo but congrats ivy I love you, I love you all" I said

"your not working for your dad" Anna said "why not? As he has told me before music is a shitty job you don't know when you'll get payed" I said "what the hell is up with you?!" She asked "I don't know everything is being riped out from underneath me, I'm falling Anna, and no one is catching me I'm pluniting" I said "I have to take care of my brother and ivy is going to be a mom!" She yelled "yah I understand im not mad im hurt because I can't do this shit on my own, when you all said you where moveing I sat there crying for a good hour!" I yelled back "with rook!" She yelled "cause he's the only one who has shown me that he won't leave me!!" I yelled with tears running down my cheeks "really because that one night that penny said he kissed someone elce he did! Your saying that he love you maybe he shouldn't be kissing girls then!" She yelled and I just sat on my bed and she slamed the door while walking out. "Don't fucking tell her that! He didn't!" I heard Claire yell and she ran upstairs into my room "he didn't I promise I was right there, anna lied, he would never do that" she said "why couldn't I have just said no to Anna" I said "hey it was the best years of my life" she said "I don't know what to do now" I said "one last tour?" Anna asked at my doorway with ivy behind her and I nodded.

Annas grandma watched Zane while we toured and it was a vary sad tour, Claire is moveing to Florida, where her parents live, ivy and her boyfriend are moveing to Colorado, and Anna is moveing back to new York, I'm they only one left, I'm probably going to give up drumming and open a tattoo shop again "your not quiting drumming" Anna said "what will I do then?" I asked "do covers and work with bands" kells said.

"So after this tour the girl groop is over" a interviewer said "yah" Anna said

When the buss got back to Ohio we knew we would never be the same.

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