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Hello, I am new to watt pad so plz comment and tell if its ok. Also i dont know how to get onto a new page could someone tell me plz? I

know the chapters will be short but. I will try my best. This book is meant for all ages. Vote if good plz. Thnx :)

Comment cos otherwise I don't know to continue or not if I don't get enough votes I might not continue.


Far across the land a magnificent creature launched itself across the sparkling sky, hiding stars beneath its massive bulk. Sheep scattered in its wake as it roared in rage and loss. The nation of his world was defeated with the only proof of their existence scattered in ruins and bones below him. Approaching him was a dark figure and the dragon continued without pause, diving at the figure, teeth bared and muscles tensed. A strand of silver streaked though the air and pierced the dragons delicate wing. Screaming in agony he spiraled downwards, his wings an indecipherable flurry of uncontrolled movement. The attacker jumped in surprise and pain as one of the dragons flailing claws caught on his cloak and ripped through it. As soon as the dragon regained balance he spun around to discover if the attacker was the cause of his pain, however was momentarily dumbfounded when he sensed the face was familiar. Using advantage of surprise the man pounced and raised his shining sword. The moon reflected off its bright surface, then plunged itself deep within the dragon. He screeched and earsplitting scream before exploding.

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