Chapter 4

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Sry that the last chapter was really short. This one will be longer i promise! I would like to dedicate this chapter to wildfur_warrior. if u guys are reading this u should check his books out. XD Thnx guys for reading, soon the book will match up with the blurb and be as cool as it. All will be revealed...


Chapter Four


Blurred darkness obscured Emma's vision as she struggles to make use of her aching limbs. After several painful attempts, she managed to sit up, coughing and swaying at the sudden change of perspective. Her limbs gave way beneath her and her head lolled

backwards. Something cold and sudden caused her to sit upright and wake up from dream land. Rubbing the back of her head she

turned and looked with horror to see thick, iron poles blocking her way. The bars circled her entire cell, she was trapped! Oh, wait, no there was a door in the middle of the cell. Cursing herself for not even looking for a door she reached forwards to pull the handle only to find that to was locked. She shook it, but to no avail.

"It's no use, I've tried everything, and I've had plenty of time believe me." a small voice spoke out of the darkness and Emma whipped around searching for the source. She soon found out that it was a small little girl who couldn't of been more than eight. She had wide blue, innocent eyes and shoulder length lack hair. Softening she gently asked her how long she had been here.

"five years, they took me when I was three they did, wouldn't see the day of light at all now if the gardener hadn't taken pity on me and slipped me food every now and then, sometimes claiming he needed help in the garden so I could get some fresh air."

"What is this place?" Emma asked.

"I'm surprised you don't already know, this is the palace but this room in particular is kind of like prison for orphans. The king doesn't

like orphans." She continued ranting on and in for so long Emma began to stop listening as all she was talking about was that she hated her life over and over. Emma's head snapped up when she mentioned something about dragons.

"What about dragons?" She questioned as casually as she could. She had heard about them only in Kyphors stories which she use to beg him of every night? As Emma listened, May, who had old her her name before, told a tale of how the king wanted to be the most powerful thing, so he killed all the dragons and had ruled the land they all lived in, from that day forward. It is rumored though, that some of the dragons survived and fled to and they had never been seen since. When Emma asked how she knew all this she told her that it was Avery Breewood, the gardener, who had schooled because the school that the orphan slaves when through involved only

manners and how you speak to superiors. Thanking her, Emma explained that she had better keep on planning meow to get out of

here. May just shook her head and said: "okay, but please tell me if you do actually find a way out of here.

Emma banged the door but it still stayed stubborn and unmoving. Shaking her head in annoyance she turned to the minuscule dirty

window which gave next to nothing as far as light was concerned. Emma walked towards, balled her fists, and hit the glass window. It

flexed but did not brake. She tried and tried and tried yet nothing was worked. Giving up,she slumped against the wall and swore as

she sat right on top of a sharp rock. An idea came to her as she grasped the rock and too aim, hurling it at the window with all the

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