Chapter 5

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Lolz, hope u guyz liked the twist XD some of u may have seeing coming. Plz check out my other book: Angels Blood as well, it's still a

working progress but my friends say its pretty good. Thnx, hope u like the next chapter. Love u guyz.


Chapter five


Emmas breathing was laboured as she flew out of the gate just seconds before it closed. She felt cold metal nip the back of her skin and urged herself further, not looking back. Her mind was a flurry of confusion and questions. But one question stood out far more more 

than the others. Did dragons really exist? She swore she would find the truth and do her best to lead herself down the right path, 

assisting whoever had the greatest cause. Slowly, her blurred feet slowed to a fast jog as she evaluated her best option. The kings accusations still thundered faintly behind her.

On and on she ran. Darkness dawned and she took a sharp intake of breath before lying underneath a lone tree looking out upon the vast land before her. Dry, cracked ground spread before her and. Each direction looked exactly the same except for the path leading towards the palace but she would never EVER go back to that palace unless if the king was conquered and a kinder king who did not wish to dominate the entire world and be the most powerful being to crawl the earth took his place. Just thinking about him made her shiver and press closer to the palm tree. She could still hear his deathly calm voice trailing along we're ever she had gone and would go as if her were standing right in front of her. His last three words lingered in her mind and she wondered: was she really an elf? Automatically her hand reached up to ear and she felt the slightly pointed tip which had always been more prominent then others yet  

hardly enough to be classed as an elf.

As she thought about it her eyes drifted shut slowly and she began humming softly to herself. She felt so peaceful just sitting there and  

humming that she did not notice a shadow creeping among the land, creeping closer every second. Once she finally finished humming  

her eyes opened and she scampered away from the shadow which threatened to engulf her in its depths. A presence entered her mind  

leaving her to feel exposed. A deep rumbling voice emitted itself from within her mind as an opaque figure glided through the dusty  

land lit by the arising sun.

"Seek Dëlæ valley and refuge under the mountain of sorrow. For there shall await the presence of my kind and there is where your journey shall truly begin. Follow the brightest star each night and you shall not be lead astray. But wander away from the sight of this  

star and horrors await the rest of your days." The voice faded always with the ghost of the unknown creature. But Emma was too tired  

to dwell on the strange event which happened mere seconds ago and the light which was gradually beginning to seep through the  

delicate skin covering her eyes vanished suddenly ask she fell into darkness and deep sleep for what seemed like the first time ever.

Scuttling noises woke Emma as darkness dawned before her and the brightest star appeared. Stifling a yawn, she got up and stretched  

her arms and legs, working the cramp she had acquired in the cell out of them. Remembering the words of the "wise one" as she had nicknamed him, she looked up to the night sky and automatically searched to see where the brightest star lay hidden beneath the milky sky. She soon found it and began walking towards it before halting and thinking about it. It wasn't like she had anywhere else to  

go. But she could be killed if it comes to a fight wherever she is going. She could always turn back if she changed her mind. But it could take ages to recover the distance that she could make. She had nothing left to loose as she had practically been exiled from her family and left alone with nothing. No family, no possessions and no friends, let alone the fact that she also had no idea of what to do.

Finally deciding, she set off in pursuit if the unknown. After a several hours of tiring walking, a small light appeared out of the  

darkness and bobbed towards her. She curiously hurried forward until it soon became clear that the light was in fact a lantern which  

an extremely old and worn man carried. A tuft of grey hair peaked out from under his black hood and an icy blue eye glared at her.

"You had better come inside, my sweet." She jumped at the sudden closeness of his voice but realized that he must have been running.  

His wheezy voice sent shivers down her spine she hated the way he said "sweetheart" but once she realized the fact that the was here probably meant that a village was close by and followed him cautiously.

After a few hours of tracking through the dry waste land the man finally come to a halt and Emma doubled over gasping for air as the  

trip had been long bd she had had no breaks. Once she recovered her breath, she peered up to look at her surroundings. A huge metal  

gate stood before her. It's presence seemed dark and foreboding, yet the other people standing by it did not seem to care,u for the house inside was full of light and you could hear the party from here. By now the man had unlocked the gate and was waiting impatiently for her to walk through. She held her head up high despite her filthy short dress and muddy leggings and walked through the gate trying to gain some dignity back for her first meeting with other people since what seemed like forever, her smooth boots sliding over the ground before her. When she reached the house she rested her hand on the door knob, inhaled a deep breath, and pushed it open.

At once she was bombarded with noise and her hands flew up to her ears to try and block out the wild noise. People swarmed around her and before she could stop hem, she felt herself being lifted into the air and carried off. She kicked and screamed but they were holding on too tight and nobody was listening. Her gaze darted around the room looking for help but everybody had merciless looks plastered on their faces and their eyes were hard. Finally her gaze came to rest on a boy who looked about her age. His sad blue eyes  

watched her as she struggled and his head looked down. Brown, mousy hair fell around his face as he shied into the shadows. He had strong defined muscles but was quite small in stature.

He was the last thing she saw before darkness enveloped her.


Hope u guyz liked it, sry for the slow updates.

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Luv u guyz


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