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Today was the best day for two families, it's there two sons are getting marrying each other after waiting 2 weeks.

Mrs.jeon was a little bit worried, stressed walking inside the soon going to be complete wedding hall and her husband's was tired of her asking the decoration team every minutes is everything ready.

"Honey relax down everything is going to be fine!" Mr.jeon pulls her to himself and hug her waist from the back.

She put her hands on her husband's chest, planted a small peck on his cheek

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She put her hands on her husband's chest, planted a small peck on his cheek. "How can I? When my son is getting marrying after 4 hours!" And their lovely moment was disturbed when Won-young came to them.

 "How can I? When my son is getting marrying after 4 hours!" And their lovely moment was disturbed when Won-young came to them

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"Eomma, oppa needs you"

Jungkook is looking at the outfits his friends choosed for him. Hoseok choosed for him a casual suit, but he feel he doesn't want to wear it, jimin choosed a perfect suit, but it can't fit him as is more like jimin size and the last is yoongi who choosed a beach outfit.

As jungkook saw what yoongi his disbelief look at him and yoongi respond what happened look.

"Who the idiot wear a beach outfit in his wedding day?" Yoongi easily raised his hand and says me.

"Who the idiot wear a beach outfit in his wedding day?" Yoongi easily raised his hand and says me

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"Don't forget am going to wear it in my wedding right babe!"

"And you are going to embarrassment me"

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