Chapter 4

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For just a second everything went dark. And now everything just turns around. Evalin feels like throwing up. Her body feels like it's about to get pulled apart. And then it just stops. Everything goes absolutely quiet and her body stops moving. Yet she is too afraid to open her eyes. What happened. The last thing she remembers was this tiny book. Where is she and why is it so cold here. After what feels like eternity she opens her eyes. That is not the library she was just standing in. Her heart starts beating faster. Maybe this was just a dream she told herself. But she knew better, this was just to real to be a dream. She was standing in the middle of the forest. Not the forest she knew and called her home. No this was a different forest. She didn't know why but it seemed more dangerous here. As If someone is watching her. Evalin tried to hide her fear but it wasn't working to well. Her hands were shaking. Deep down she knew that she was far away from her home. She was just a heartbeat away from crying but then she hears something coming from the sky right above her. Before she could really understand what she was seeing, two huge man with wings landed right in front of her. She saw her dad and her brothers fly but just because they turned into Buzzards. But never in her life has she seen someone with real Wings. „ Who are you?" asks one of them. Her Heart beats so fast it nearly explodes. She lifts up her head and looks at the mans face. The truth hits her like a slap. She knew this man. He had dark hair like the night and violet eyes. This is not really happening. This must be a dream she says in her head over and over again. „Who are you?" the man asks. „I know you." was the only thing she was able to say. „ Why wouldn't you know me? I'm the High Lord of the Night Court." he replies with a smile. „ The High Lord? I don't know what That is. And to be honest I don't even know where I am." she replies. It is better to come out with the truth now before everything gets to difficult. Maybe they are able to help her. The men look at each with a questioning face. But then both of their faces softens. „ Where are you from?" The other man asks. He had long brown hair and these red diamonds all over his body. „ Im from Terrassen and that's where I would like to go now. Look I don't even know how all of this happened. One second I'm in my library at home holding this little tiny violet book with stars and mountains all over it and the next second I'm here. I don't have any clue how that happened but I just want to go home and see my parents. I'm only 16 and I really don't know  if I will survive just one night in these creepy woods. So please can you just help me get back." she says nearly breathless and with lots of panic in her voice. The man with the violet eyes must have seen the fear in her eyes because he says „ Well you will definitely not stay here in these woods alone. You can stay with us for the night and we will try to help. A family member of mine is from a different world herself. Maybe she will have an answer. But I can't promise you anything. In our world people like you don't exist.". „People like me?" she asks. „ People That can jump between our worlds. I don't have a Name for them . But I heard some story's about Fae that are able to pursue this type of magic." he replies. Before she can think twice about what this High lord said he  pulls her towards him. „ My name is Rhysand by the way and that's cassian" he says. „ My Name is Evalin" she replies and then they are already up in the air.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2022 ⏰

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