Chapter 12: Celebration

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Daddy cooed as I held Azura close like a security blanket, being so big our snuggling obstructed my view but I didn't care as long as we were together. But I soon came to regret this blindness as soon as the big kitsune opened the door and a bunch of people yelled, " SURPRISE! "

Startled to the point of wetting myself as I hid my blush behind the plush profusely in an effort to cope with the sudden dampness. Mommy bypassed my defenses by scooping me up with ease, " Sorry baby we didn't mean to scare you like that- " Unknowingly I'd begun sobbing uncontrollably, she bounced me on her hip, " There there, mommy's here. "

I sniffled as she inspected my diaper, " A little wet but you should be fine for the festivities... ? "

My tails, which had been intertwined since I gave Shadow a much needed reality check, began unfurling of their own accord causing the guests to gasp, " Well aren't you full of surprises today, I had to wait until my thousandth birthday to sport a set of nine and here you're capable of it on your first. "

I thought she would freak out like everyone else but instead she rewarded this lapse in muscle control by nuzzling my cheek with her snout getting a giggle out of me, " That's better, there's no shame in being unique. "

" Weally? "

With a warm smile she said, " Really, now let's introduce you to the rest of the skulk and then you can open your presents. "

Presents? That was a word I was unfamiliar with in the past, in my previous life I only ever received pain and subsequent scarring. The aspect of family was a foreign concept until recently so to be adopted into such a loving one was a welcomed relief. Although being toated around to greet everyone was humbling it was still preferable to toddling around hopelessly with such a pronounced waddle. It had been greatly diminished since waking up this morning but I still had some sliver of pride that somehow remained intact throughout the day.

I squirmed with each and every encounter as they ended with my relatives saying things like, " She's so cute! " and, " Isn't she precious? "

Needless to say I was very shy and not very forthcoming with my feelings when it came to meeting new people. My nature has always been a cautious one and unfortunately regression couldn't change that.

The butterflies in my tummy vanishing the second I was placed in a playpen away from the crowd. I was grateful for the four netted walls as they allowed me to relax just a bit while mommy and daddy opened the gifts. Apparently my paws were to clumsy and uncoordinated to do it myself but thanks to Azura I didn't mind being babied so much anymore. Things like rocking horse, stuffed animals, and tons of diapering supplies were unveiled. - enough to indicate I would be in them for a very long time. But despite being showered with gifts and affection I still felt like they were hiding something from me.

However being that these suspicions were unfounded it was rather easy for me to push them from the forefront of my mind. Especially when mommy mentioned cake!

To no one's surprise I found myself expertly buckled into the highchair before getting to partake of the first solid food I've had in days. Sighing loudly as mommy insisted on feeding me the slice since she missed out on precious bonding time with me. In all actuality she was just weeding out any possibly of me regaining enough dexterity to feed myself anytime soon. Since resistance had proved futile time and time again today I decided to indulge the arctic vixen, " Now blow out the candle sweetie- "

I did so eagerly getting a little spittle on the frosting but I suppose that was normal for babies. The only difference between myself and them being that I was aware of everything going on around me. Daddy pat my head affectionately getting me to purr, " Good job, now make a wish. "

I thought about what happened the last time I did and how this was the result of it coming true. But I also have to take into account that even though they inducted me into their lives they genuinely cared about my well-being. In a weird way they've shown me what it's like to have a family.

With my mind at ease I wished to make them happy even if it meant being publicly humiliated on a daily basis. In my past life I'd grown adept at making sacrifices to benefit myself so it's only right I choose to benefit others with my new one. In my heart I knew this was the right thing to do and after attaining everything I desired I had nothing more to wish for.

Daddy was the first to point out the frosting coating my snout and paws before announcing to everyone I needed a bath, especially after a long day. I howled as he hauled me off, " Quit being so dramatic or no bedtime story- " Pouting silently as I buried my face in the warm fur on his chest, nuzzling it for his forgiveness, " -That's better. "

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