(Smut) Part 18 Confessions

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(Author's note: Mentions of smut, smutty fantasies and smut.)

At lunch one day at the hospital, I was sat near the Bailey Interns table and they were playing some sort of game. Dr O'Malley sat with his back to me, on either side of him was Dr's Grey and Yang and opposite them Dr's Karev and Stevens were sat together. I paid no attention to their conversation until I heard my name being mentioned. I'd long had a huge crush on Dr O'Malley so it was a shock to hear my name come from his voice. "Hospital crushes. Izzie, y/n and, nope that's it just those two." He confessed. I stopped dead and froze on the spot. "Er George, y/n is sat right behind you." Said Dr Karev. How did Dr O'Malley not know this? I heard him turn in his seat to look at me but I refused to turn to meet his handsome gaze. I felt his eyes on me for at least a good 20 seconds before he turned back to the table. It was safe to say that they did not continue their game. I got up and left the cafeteria and headed to the locker room. I heard a scraping of a chair and footsteps behind me. I was aware there was someone behind me so when we reached the locker room I held the door open for them. "I'm sorry about that. In the Cafeteria I mean." Said the warm, soft voice of Dr O'Malley. I turned to look at him and sure enough, it was he. His round, beautiful eyes looked down into mine with such a tender expression. "What do you mean? You weren't to know I was sat directly behind you otherwise Dr Karev needn't have reminded you." I said. I didn't know why I was trembling so hard. "I know but all the same. I'm sorry." He said sincerely. "It's true then? You really do like me." I stated. "Would it truly be a confession if it was a lie?" He asked, quietly. "I guess not. I suppose it's only fair for me to confess that I fancy you. Now, I have to get back to my patients." I said, failing to look at him in the face and gently pushing passed him to get back to work. As I left the locker room, I was secretly screaming inside with elation. Dr O'Malley fancied me. He actually, really fancied me. My heart leapt and my stomach flipped. Just the feeling of being in the same room in such close proximity was overwhelmingly intoxicating. And I'd told him how I felt about him, in completely the heat of the moment, before I could even stop myself. I wasn't even thinking in that precise second but I was now! I had to focus on my work.


Back in the locker room I was gathering my things at the end of my shift and was ready for home. I felt the presence of somebody stood leant up against the lockers, looking at me but ignored them. They cleared their throat and I looked into the pretty face of Dr Stevens. I gave her a deadpanned but tired expression before walking off out of the locker room towards the main doors. I was absolutely in no mood to talk to anybody now. Leant up against the outside wall, was Dr O'Malley. "Hey, y/n." He called. "Oh. Hi. Dr Stevens and Dr Grey aren't too far behind me if you're waiting for them." I said. I knew both Dr's Stevens and O'Malley were Dr Grey's roommates living in her house. "Oh, it was you I was waiting for actually. I wanted to clarify something with you. About what you told me earlier." He began and I waited. "Did you mean it when you said you fancied me too?" He asked. "Would it be a confession if it was a lie?" I repeated his earlier question. He smiled at me. We'd started walking towards the parking lot. "Can I walk you home? Or-" He said. "Or?" I pressed. "Or would you like to get a drink with me?" He asked. Dr O'Malley was asking me out. "I'm not really a social person. So, I have a better idea. Why don't you come in with me?" I asked. I had an idea of where this might end up going but I kind of wanted it secretly. I wanted him. He blushed. "I'd like that. At least we'll be alone. We won't know that we're being talked about." He explained. "It's just they now know that I fancy you and they'll be positively buzzing." He went on a little bitterly and I laughed. "Then let's give them something to buzz about before they get bored."


We were sharing a bottle of vodka, me for Dutch courage and him probably the same reason. The confessions continued. "You're such a gorgeous, beautiful human being, George. No really. And also I'll have you know that I find you very sexy. Seriously. God save my ovaries!" I slipped. He laughed hard at this. "Why thankyou. I think you are even sexier than- sex. You cannot know how blissful I feel that you have the hots for me. And I want you so desperately, imagine that." He said. "So what would you like me to do to you?" I asked. "Confession number I've lost count. I want you to feel how hard you make me. I couldn't stop thinking about you as I stripped off my scrubs. I wanted your eyes on me, admiring my sexy form." He admitted. I took the bottle from his hand and put it on the coffee table. I leaned in and started kissing him taking off his t-shirt in the process. "Your form is very sexy." I said fulfilling his wish and raking my eyes over his bare torso. "In fact. You are the very definition of sexy." I told him in between moaning, passionate kisses. I unbuttoned my blouse and took it off, revealing my own body. "Oh well, now you'd be wrong about that. You are so much sexier than sex." I giggled as he admired me. I stood and grabbed his hand, pulling him to his feet. I then took his jeans waistband and dragged him with me up the stairs. Fulfilling his other wish, I groped his now very obvious hardness and felt how I effected him. He groaned, tilting his head back. We entered my bedroom and he pressed me against the wall, continuing to kiss me. He undid my own jeans. "Confession: I want you to touch me. Feel how wet I am." I breathed huskily. He kissed my neck and trailed his fingers slowly down my body. When his hand went underneath my underwear and his finger dipped into my slickness he groaned. I undid his jeans and slid my hand down to feel him for real. He moaned at my touch. "Confession: I want your dick inside me, George." I moaned. "Confession: I really want you to ride me." He countered. We both got what we wanted. Forgive us father for we are about to sin. We were both stripped now and admiring each others bodies. I beckoned him with my finger, biting my lip suggestively and giving him a sultry, irresistible stare. "Don't hold back. I'm not as fragile as I look." I told him when he approached. His eyes were dark with lust and arousal. I gently pushed him onto my bed, meeting him on the lips as I joined him. I straddled his lap and I lowered myself onto him. We both let out a groan at the same time as he entered me. He kissed my mouth passionately. We both confessed to one another what we wanted and we fulfilled them all. His erotic expressions and the breathy, husky moans were the sexiest I'd ever seen and heard. I'd never known anyone like him before. The way he caressed and kissed my skin, the way he moaned my name and said how beautiful I was. The way he'd flipped us over so his handsome face was above me.


I was laying in bed in George's arms. "You are sensational." He told me. I chuckled lightly. "No, I'm serious. And it's not just the vodka talking." He went on. "I reckon I'd say that if I were actually sober. If I was confident enough and brave enough to tell you how I felt earlier when I was sober, I would've done much sooner.
I would've said it anyway, if I was braver." He said with a tone regret. I sat up and leant on my elbow to look at him. "Are you kidding me? You ARE brave. Look what you're doing with your life. You save people's lives. You help people. You face scary situations everyday. I'm telling you, you are brave. The confidence thing, well, you got me to bolster you for that. You don't need bolstering because you are incredible and wonderful and the world would be a much more miserable and surrowful place without you in it. You're needed. By the patients. Your colleagues. And me. I need you in my life, George. And now that I have you in it I can't imagine my life without you." I told him before kissing him fervently. He groaned into the kiss which sounded sexier than ever. God help my ovaries!

Dr George O'Malley one shots: The First Batch Where stories live. Discover now