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As I'm sure you know by now, this graphic novel is a collaborative project for any and all artists to add to, and right now we are sadly in between artists.

I know many people have expressed interest in wanting to draw a chapter, and if we have spoken about it before, I likely redirected you to ApricotTheRainwing. However, Apricot has asked to step away from the project for now, which means I'm no longer sure who wants to work on this thing!


If you would like to do a chapter or multiple chapters for this GN, LET ME KNOW!!! PM Messages are the easiest way to contact me, but you can also leave a comment on this chapter expressing interest! All artists welcome!! I will happily assign you a chapter to do, as I really want to keep this AMAZING project going!

For anyone who wants to illustrate a chapter, you will have to follow the following rules:

1. Your chapter must be 20 images or under. This is because Wattpad has a 20 image limit per chapter, and I want to avoid splitting chapters into 2 parts wherever possible. If it is a longer chapter that happens to go over, I understand, but under 20 is always preferred.

2. Feel free to take your time! I know people are anxious for updates, but I really want people to have fun with their chapters, and sometimes life does get in the way. I'd like the chapter as soon as possible, but I do understand that art takes time to create, so you shouldn't feel pressure to get the chapter out within a ridiculously short amount of time! (Although if you do work fast, then AWESOME!)

3. Because it has been the easiest way to do so so far, you will have to email me the pictures. I will PM you an email address to send the chapter to once it is completed. If you are uncomfortable with email, you can post the images onto a book on your own profile and PM me to let me know where to find it, or we can discuss another way to send them, like Discord.

That's all!

I know there are some incredible artists in this fandom, so I hope you will all try a chapter, and even if you think you aren't that great an artist, if you can draw a dragon you're already way better than me, so why not give it a shot? 

Thanks!!! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2022 ⏰

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