Chapter 3

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Fresh had a propeller hat after finally getting a gift from Error which made the skeleton rather happy and if he was being completely honest he was sure Error definitely gave in to his plea's but Fresh could never get him to make a puppet for him, "So Fresh you know about the red bone?" Sci was actually rather friendly with Fresh it's just he always stole his important potions both completed or defective "Totes broski! But I ain't an Unradical guy so I ain't gonna snitch." Fresh leaned backwards on the air still managing to balance himself "Classic you said he'd tell us!" Dream felt frustrated slightly and Nightmare grinned at his misery but made no comment after his tendril whacked him on the head as hard as it possibly could. "I only said if you wanted to know you should look for them, I didn't say they would tell you." Classic shrugged lazily checking his watch seeing if it was time to come from the basement yet but it unfortunately wasn't so he had to stay unless the kid barged in and rescued him from these alternatives of himself, "Your really starting to [fluff]ing annoy me now Classic." Nightmare scowled before his socket twitched looking at Fresh "No unrad cursing my homeslice, That is totes Unradical." Fresh's glasses turned into the word 'Unradical' his face frowning before smiling again shifting his glasses uncomfortably "Brother you should respect Fresh's rules and not curse okay?" Dream smiled softly and Nightmare's mood worsened dramatically "You don't command me [Broski]! Stop [FUDGE]ING CENSORING ME YOU [RADICAL BROSKI]!" Nightmare felt his socket twitch in anger and his tendril sharpening.

"No can do Broski, as swearing is totes unrad." Fresh repeated making an X with his hands as he frowned deeper "Alright so you guys aren't going to have luck with Fresh, so try the finding the Grim Reaper oh and stop following me as well please..I'm trying to have a peaceful life with my bro finally." Classic knew he had to intervene or a fight might break out though Fresh would definitely win he did not not want a mess of his private room other than his bedroom, "Tch. You except these two to know a Grim Reaper?" Nightmare scoffed "I suppose you do then?" Sci shot back with slight anger and Nightmare scowled but said nothing further "That's what I thought." Sci huffed before looking at Fresh "Seriously though Fresh can you tell us, it could stop the war with Dream and Nightmare!" Sci really did want this war to end but the neon skeletons glasses changed into a 'hmm..' before showing 'Yolo' again "My Broski it's not dat I don't understand yo' it's just you broski's don't seem to understand the bestest broski's your asking for." Fresh had a wilted smile before he sat on the floor scratching his propeller hat before frowning at the floor. "We understand that these people can help these two amend!" Sci tried once more seeing that Fresh was spilling while Nightmare just glared at the skeleton "Broski seriously..Just drop dah topic yo' it's not something small, or insignificant Broski." Fresh shook his head before glaring at the king of Negativity "Don't use your aura against me Broski..Otherwise you'd be in for an unrad time." Fresh frowned deeply at the skeleton before a tendril went for behind him so he didn't move only to feel his hat get removed and in the grasp of the negative being, "Hand dat hat back Broski.." Fresh was quite possessive of the gift he finally got from Error his eldest brother who finally got to be at peace with everything around him and accepted both his identities as his younger brother and a multiversal parasite "How about no?" Nightmare taunted and Classic frowned at Fresh's reaction "Nightmare hand the hat back.." Classic did not want a possessive parasite getting mad in his timeline.

Nightmare liked the sudden drop in positivity and decided to further instigate the neon skeleton who felt was no threat and tore the propeller hat and saw the neon skeletons glasses go blank "Brother! You can't just tear up people's belongings!" Dream scolded angerily but the negative being only scoffed rolling his his single socket before Classic took the hat and placed it in Fresh's hands and shoved him into the machine and pressed a few buttons making Fresh magically poof, "Are you trying to make enemies Nightmare? Do you know what you probably just gave yourself?" Classic felt exhaustion hit him "I relish in negative feelings, I am immortal. I have no reason to fear a small insignificant neon skeleton." Nightmare replied a cold grin on his face and Dream groaned "Is something wrong with that guy Classic?" Dream decided to ask on behalf of his brother "Well..You basically got a reaction out of him which is bad in general not to mention ripping it up? I have no idea what's going to happen because nobody survives angering Fresh without going mental or fearful at the sight of him..Take Red for example." Classic just slightly praised Fresh for going light on him apparently according to him.

"As I've said I relish on negative emotions, I am immortal I have no reason to fear a bastard like that." Nightmare scoffed still feeling the soft texture of the hat on his hands before ripping it apart, "Then I can only hope Fresh doesn't do something drastic.. Because he knows everybody's secrets and deepest fears, I can't help you so don't come to me when he commits his revenge on you Nightmare." Classic could only feel sympathy for the poor guy before kicking them out of his timeline as they went back to the battlefield and gathered their forces to retreat again before putting them in their own bases making no further move to digest the conversation they had with Classic and Fresh.

Fresh was holding the broken and torn propeller hat in his hands as purple tears fell down his sockets "Why..?" Fresh couldn't help but ask his eye aching as magic poured from his sockets but we're suppressed by his glasses painfully, "Maybe if I ask Error Broski he can fix it..Yeah Error Broski can fix it up for me!" Fresh clung to the hat before poofing away from his spot and then found himself Infront of a house and knocked and waited for a few moments before a black boned skeleton answered the door and saw his younger brother in tears "Fresh? What are you doing here?" Error looked over and saw the torn apart propeller hat feeling brief confusion before sighing and letting the emotional mess inside the house.

"Some unrad Broski in the multiverse tore up mah cool hat..It was totes unrad big bro." Fresh choked out through sobs as he completely broke  down and Error felt confusion wondering who was stupid enough to tear up Fresh's thing aside from him, "You want me to fix it correct?" Error saw the younger nod and was wiping his purple tears as he put out the hat in his direction quite pitifully "Alright stop crying Fresh I'll fix it..Also who broke your hat?" Error knew that ever since Fresh got this hat as a gift he had never taken it off and refused to even let it out of his sight.


That's all for this chapter guys, I hope you enjoyed!

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