Chapter 4

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Error put a cushion on his lap as Fresh laid his skull there but was obviously trying not to touch or hug Error "Heya Error who was at the door?" Ink poked his head out of artist room looking quite disheveled "Some guy in the multiverse thought it was funny to break Fresh's propeller hat." Error didn't say who it was directly but Ink was creative enough to guess "Who is stupid enough to break Fresh's propeller hat? Not only do they have to deal with Fresh's vengeful pranks but you." Ink snickered heartless for the person who inflicted both of their wrath at the same time, "What a supportive best friend you are Ink." Error rolled his eyelights as he looked over the hat seeing the seams and threads forcefully ripped apart it irritated him slightly "Also Reaper will be back home later..I need to go out and get...What does Reaper drink again?" Ink asked sheepishly at his rather only immortal friend and Error sighed "Coffee more preferably in his tastes bitter chocolate flavour with a pinch of mint." Error looked for his knitting threads and needles not before noting the asleep skeleton on his lap "Oh yeah! Thanks Ruru~ I'll be back later!" Ink created a puddle of ink before jumping through as a sphere of ink. "What am I suppose to do with that ink blot?" Error felt frustrated as he began to stitch the propeller hat back together before finding the holes are too wide from stretching the hat apart "Guess I have to make a new propeller hat." Error knitted untill he heard the door open and came in a cloaked figure who was tired "Hi Lovely~ I am home." Reaper hugged Error's scarf being mindful of the fact Error still wasn't used to touch "Ink went out to get your coffee then make the rest homemade as always, I am here stitching up a new propeller hat for Fresh since some asshole decided to tear it apart infront of him.." Error dropped what he was doing for a small moment and turned while giving Reaper's cloak a small pat of welcoming rather hesitantly before shying away, "Mmm..Thank you for the welcoming lovely." Reaper let out a small smile at Error's hesitant welcoming "Thats all your going to get I hope you know.." Error really was trying to be more physically affectionate towards Reaper especially since the guy is especially touch starved but he knew it wasn't enough "I know and I won't push your comfort zone Lovely, I just hope you know that you can take this slow." Reaper's grin widened lazily with affection "I'm aware, thank you for understanding Reaper." Error was still processing that he had been married to Reaper for a very long time even before he turned into even more of a glitched anomaly but he couldn't exactly remember it though his immortal soul does it beamed with alot of affection at the thought of the sleepy god.

"I will forever stand by you my beloved husband~ Though its annoying with Ink as a roommate." Reaper couldn't make any dirty flirts or actions because not only would he summon Fresh over but a teasing Ink who would use it as blackmail, "Ink isn't that bad not to mention he isn't technically our roommate since he built himself an entire seperate section of the house for himself which can be called its own house, he just likes to bother me often." Error went back to making the new hat with concentration but also focusing on his surroundings slightly as Reaper pouted slightly "Still close enough and live under our roof so it counts as a roommate..I just want to spend some alone time with my beloved husband without him popping up every second." Reaper fiddled with Error's scarf with a small smile as the god floated behind the couch just dazedly looking at Error's neck and flushed looking away restraining his thoughts "If you want alone time we can travel the multiverse for a short while..Look at Outertales stars, go to Lady Life's garden...I can't think of any more, oh and while I am at it perhaps prank the skeleton who tore up Freshs hat." Error suggested as he thought on how to design the hat to match Freshs weird 90's prefrence. Reaper looked at Error then chuckled softly "I suppose its time for a break from Ink, want to go on a date Error?" Reaper definitely needed to get away from Ink and so did Error though he didn't seem as bothered because of his eons of experience with Ink alone but Reaper definitely can't stand the energetic artist he much prefered to laze around and watch Error while also flirting with him if he could.

Error stopped knitting for a second to think about his answer "Sure..Where do you want to go?" Error always went to his favourite spots but Reaper never showed him his favourite spots or AU's if he could even remain there without causing a panic "Well..My favourite place is only you, but if I had to pick a place too go..I would go to Fluffytale, my favourite coffee shop." Reaper was rather familiar with Ccino though he never touched or even remotely went near 5 feet of Ccino due to his death touch he went often if Error or Ink had run out of supplies to make his coffee, not to mention Ccino was a very pleasent person to talk too the only thing he could touch without it dying was a cat varient of himself that summoned in the coffee shop after he first visited ever since Ccino took many precautions with the cat after learning of its rather deathly abilities. "Hmmm..Alright," Error had a slight interest in the coffee shop after all Reaper had a good impression on the place this was a very rare thing since Reaper usually is moody and depressed when coming back from any type of AU unless he accompanied him this didn't surprise Error however, it was a multiversal coffee shop that accepted all types of individuals and customers to its door "Do you want to leave after finishing Fresh's new hat or now?" Reaper continued to fiddle with Error's scarf finding comfort and warmth he had thought he had lost a long time ago "Im just finishing Freshs hat now..We can leave after." Error did the last threading and measured and checked the threading one last time before adding on the propeller and finally finishing "We can go now Reaper..Lets go." Error put the hat down on Fresh's chest before slowly moving away from Fresh and standing up grabbing Reapers cloak but not touching him.


Thats all I hope you guys enjoyed this Chapter!

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