Chapter 7

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Error had abandoned Reaper in the old battlefield on pure instinct and began digging, doing maintence checks on the AU's alongside Ink who got told the news "This is really bad..The AU's they're all flimsy, weak to their structual core." Ink grasped an AU and felt it very gently "It's like they've been sapped of..Energy?" Ink hadn't encountered this sitaution before "How's your end of the maintence going Error?" Ink tugged Error's clothing getting the others attention "There's corruption everywhere..Theres been signs of self repair but also unstability, guessing this has to do with those anomaly twins." Error sneered darkly, he didn't like when things he took care of were touched even if they were AU's "I see..Hey Error, Pal? How about we repair a good load of these before confronting them? I mean, they're indirectly starting to destroy the stability timelines so we have to fix it..It's our job." Ink felt the AU's right now were much more importnant.

Error huffed but didn't deny it, they're most importnant goal right now was indeed the AU's and their stability because the more unstable they get, the more likely virus's or hacker's come out of their respective timeline, they remain unaware of the multiverse because of the timelines stability "We have to do a thorough clean of the multiverse later...Damn these anomalies I should've put them in a soul restraint right away the moment I saw one of them." Error knew the positive one was helping but he needed the positive one so he could lure out the negative one. "We have to fix everything first Error, then we can go." Ink put his small paintbrush againest the flimsy paper as the tip glowed a maroon colour, normally that colour would be associated with the harmful burning paint red but this one was meant solely for repairs "Hand that to me once your done, I'll run some coded tests on it." Error glanced at the entire space of the doodlesphere and felt a burning sensation in his chest, he wouldn't feel such damage unless he was in his own home but if he was in Ink's home then he could barely feel it the amount of damage that had been done to the AU's because it impacts the soul.

Ink wouldn't be able to feel it because he doesn't have a soul, meaning he couldn't feel pain but instead he uses his own liquid body of ink as a medium to concentrate all of the damage into a type of glowing ball in his chest it can be light or dark depending on how bad the damage was, it was a beautiful process even in Error's eyes but with how dark and murky the glowing ball was it was clear to Ink how badly damaged the AU's were. "Here Error.." Ink passed over the paper which felt much studier, Error pulled his hands up to his face and dragged down some blue strings that encased the paper afterwards he made a waved motion in the air and a panel of code appeared showing a range of repaired problems "It's reached a good stability but it could use some more work later on," Error released the paper from his strings and threw it up into the air where it flew to its original spot in the doodlesphere, it was a handy function that Ink had discovered when he catapulted Error into a bunch of AU's causing a massive crater in the doodlesphere.

This repeated for a while before Ink's expression grew very dark, "Ink?" Error felt confused for a moment before his eyes accounted the AU paper in Ink's hands there was a thick black liquid running around it swiftly as if it was a sentient form of life, "It's a parasite..There's a parasite in the mutliverse." Ink had a tolerance for only one parasite and that was Fresh this type of tolerance is only possible because Fresh only feeds on hosts that are about to become a destroyed AU then Error will destroy it and all three parties are happy. Error's eyes narrowed dangerously "Another anomaly.." Error loved dealing with anomalies because it allowed him to release some restraint on his abilities, "Should we ask Fresh? He may know who it is." Ink questioned as Error huffed "Don't bother him, I have a feeling its that negative balance holder." Error had a faint idea what this balance was after Seraphim explained it to him a little later, Ink didn't ask further as he reached his hand to remove the black leech a massive sizzling sound occured as the liquid tried to fuse with Ink's body causing the other to drop the paper in surprise "Ouch..." Ink looked at his burned finger bones with surprise, he had just felt pain? that thing had actaully caused him pain.

Error stared at Ink's baffled expression with the same amount of surprise, that thing caused Ink pain? "It's a type of liquid..A chemical liquid." Ink explained, he could go through all types of liquids even chemical ones like acid but this was surprising, it had the same properties of acid but it still felt different enough from it that it caused him pain "Can you try and remove it Error?" Ink didn't think that this leech would cause a problem to Error since he was a glitch and acid actaully did nothing to him surprisingly enough. "I don't see why not?" Error used his strings to gently receive the paper as he touched the uncontaminated side he suddenly felt distressed, as if he was about to touch a person, Error could touch everything but people so this sense of distress confused him. Error shook off his confusion and touched the leech ripping it off but he didn't expect the thing to launch into his clothing, it made him glitch violently as his distress exploded "Error!" Ink yelled with worry, Error felt himself crash when something touched his soul but instead of just blacking out he came into someplace new.


And thats all for this chapter! Thank you all for the support you have shown for this tiny book series!

Till next chapter!

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