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Hannas pov
My name is Hannah Orit, I'm your typical quiet girl I don't talk to many people; I have quite a little amount of friends then your average college student. I'm 18 years old and I have a quite a ton of hobbies; such as singing,broadway (but I don't usually act due to stage fright),and many more. My mom just recently went out of town for a business trip. She won't be back sadly anytime soon. I hate whenever she goes out of town. I'm really close to my mom and whenever she leaves I get extremely anxious. It's like some kind of weird separation anxiety. Speaking of parents, I really haven't had much contact with my father. From what I heard he isn't all that good. But I'm pretty happy and more than content with just having my mom. Otherwise than parents, I also have the most fantastic boyfriend ever to imagine!!  God, I love him so much.  His name is Matt Sturniolo, he's the complete opposite of me.  He's super strong, funny, popular, and extremely handsome.  I love spending most my time with him.  Although, he can be quite busy sometimes with his YouTube channel.  Him and his two other brothers, Nick and Chris; own a YouTube channel.  They make hilarious content and are extremely famous.  They are also triplets, which is crazy to me!!  I sometimes get Matt and Chris mixed up sometimes, haha.  Me and Matt have been dating for one year now!  I can't even begin to believe that we've come this far.  We've had plenty of bumps down the road but I'm so happy we've stuck through them.  Anyways, I'm sorry to cut you short but I'm gonna get going.  Class is about to start, wish me luck!

Don't forget to eat and drink something
I love you all

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