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Nicks pov
Hey matt "I say knocking on his door, yea? Matt says, I heard what you guys were talking about she sounded so sad "I say, yea IK I feel so bad I knew I screwed up the minute I sighed those papers "Matt says, hey hey hey it's not your fault Matt sometimes we have to do stuff we don't wanna do and that's okay and plus it's only 2 months,"I say trying to Comfort Matt, yea ik but the longest we've need away from each other is a week,"Matt says ,ik ik "I say, I just wanna be left alone nick, okay "I say leaving the room.

Hannah's POV
I'm so sad about how Matt is gonna be gone we are rarely ever away from each other for that long this is gonna be so hard,I mean Chris is like a brother to me so maybe it won't be that bad after all.

I get into pjs and head to sleep.

The next morning
I wake up and see I have a text from Chris
Hm that's weird he never texts me

The messages

Chris 🙄...hey wanna come over I'm bored?
Chris🙄 okay cya

That's weird he NEVER asks me to come over,anyways i brush my teeth get dressed etc etc,
I call a Uber and get in and before ik it I'm there,I go in and Chris was waiting for me At the door,(wich I'd weird cuz never does that)
Anyways I ignored it and just went up stars with him, I noticed that it's been three days and Matt hasn't texted me once so I text him

The messages
Me..Hii how r u

He left me on open that's weird he never does.

Don't forget to eat or drink something
I love you all

Heartbroken~𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚝 𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚘𝚕𝚘Where stories live. Discover now