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Hannah's POV
The next day
I look at my phone and see that  Matt still hasn't texted back me back, I get upset because I shouldn't have to text him in order for him to text me, he's never does this before, even when he's busy he makes sure to text me. Anyways I call my best friend Lilly  to tell her and she tells me it's no big deal and that I'm just overreacting,I listen to her because maybe I am and that he is just extra busy
So I try and get my mind off of this and I go on Instagram to see that Matt posted on his story. So I click on it and my heart drops to my stomach, I feel tears forming in my eyes, IS THAT MATT CUDDLING WITH LILLY  IN MEXICO. I immediately call Chris SOBBING and tell him to come here right now, I can tell he's panicking while trying to calm me down running to my house as fast has he can.When he gets here I tell him what happened and he calls nick

Chris POV
Hannah calls me sobbing on the phone, and when I get there she tell me that Matt is cheating on her with her best friend Lilly
I immediately contact nick and tell him the situation, and turns out HE DIDNT EVEN KNOW ABOUT THIS.

Nicks POV
Chris calls me and tells me that Matt is cheating on Hannah with Lilly I start freaking out not only because he's cheating but because he's been lying to me this whole time, apparently every single time that he said he was gonna go to the beach or grab a drink he went with Lilly. So not ONLY did he lie to Hannah he lied to me and Chris.

Don't forget to eat or drink something
I love you all

Heartbroken~𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚝 𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚘𝚕𝚘Where stories live. Discover now