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Hannah's POV
Chris stays and comforts me,Chris tells me that Matt and nick are about to be home from their flight
And that Matt what's to apologize, obviously I didn't wanna see Matt after what he did.
So I just had to accept it

Mats POV
I'm such a fucking idiot for doing that to Hannah she tried so hard to keep me happy and I blew it I can't believe I did this.

Hannah's POV

I hear knocking coming from my bedroom door " come in, I say knowing it's Matt
Look Hannah I just wanna say I'm so sorry and ik I fucked up but I promise if you give me one more chance I will change your mind "Matt says crying, get out "I say mad " b- Matt says as I cut him off, I SAID GET OUT MATT " I say sobbing "he gets out.

The next day

I wake up a mess from my tears from crying myself to sleep,this week was the hardest week of my life,but I've came to a conclusionthat I just have to except the fact that he's gone Matthew Bernard stuniolo is officially gone, 1 year down the drain. You know i've always wondered what being heartbroken felt like I had came to the conclusion that....not only am I sad,mad,stressed out and shocked I'm also

Don't forget to eat or drink something
I love you all

Heartbroken~𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚝 𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚘𝚕𝚘Where stories live. Discover now