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I wake up to the noise of Elsa bickering outside my trailer and pounding on the door. I let out a loud groan and force my eyelids open, but when I see the clock next to my bed I nearly scream. Why is my aunt disturbing my slumber at seven am if the show doesn't start until two in the afternoon?

I jump out of bed and grab my robe to loosely tie it around my body. Then I swing open the door, and Elsa immediately shoves past me and onto my couch to light a cigarette. I roll my eyes as she inhales it sharply as her foot taps uncontrollably. I stand staring at her with wide eyes and she sucks on the tobacco stick quietly. After a few more moments I clear my throat and cross my arms to indicate I'm waiting for an explanation but she doesn't seem to catch my subtly so I make myself more clear. "Can I help you?" I practically yell with my hands on my hips.

She chuckles and presses the orange burning bud to a dish that she decided to use as her ashtray. "Do you know what's going on with Lobster Boy? He won't leave the damn trailer and he certainly will not be missing another show!" she grits and stomps her foot while sitting on my lumpy couch.

I open my mouth but have no words from being shocked. I didn't see Jimmy at rehearsal yesterday and in fact I haven't heard from him since Sunday. I shrug my shoulders and decide to keep my answer discrete since Jimmy and I have no relationship. "How am I to know?" I murmur but am positive Elsa heard me loud and clear.

As soon as the last word rolls off my tongue I realize my mistake. Most of the freaks saw me walk to his mobile home and also saw me running from him. They, including Elsa, must know something is between Jimmy and I.

Elsa stands up and exhales loudly. "I need you to go and comfort him. He's very upset and in a need of a woman's assistance- specifically yours. Now go on. He won't bite," she insists instead of arguing with my statement.

I open my mouth to protest but once more stop in my tracks. I suppose cheering him up wouldn't be awful. I don't have to go out with him but just be nice. "Okay. Um...I'll see you later Elsa." Before I can push her out she leaps off the furniture and practically jogs out of my trailer.

Instead of checking on Jimmy I figure it'd be alright to catch a few hours of sleep so I allow my body to sink in the soft mattress with silk sheets and be engulfed by all the feather pillows and warm blanket. As I drift to sleep I wonder what it'd be like to lie with Jimmy every night but then chuckle aloud when I remember I did fall into an unconsciousness state in his presence not too long ago.

When I wake up, the first thing I see is my flower printed dish used as an ashtray and am reminded of Elsa's angry words. I check the time and luckily it's only eleven am. I know I must make things right with Jimmy; so I change into a lavender cashmere short sleeved knitted sweater with buttons up the front, a mid-calf length cream skirt that's extra flown, and an accent belt at my waist. I leave my slightly wavy locks sprawled across my back and add a touch of mascara and perfume.

On my way to his trailer I feel my hands become clammy and my heart beat rise. Something about the boy makes me nervous and it's certainly not his good looks.

I pound my fist lightly on the metal door and switch my weight from foot to foot as I patiently wait for him to appear. As I stand on the wooden steps I wonder if he truly loves me as he said he did. Jimmy seemed like such a wonderful and honest man but from what I've heard, he is the complete opposite. He also the most gorgeous man I've laid eyes on. His auburn locks that form into a perfect swoop in the middle of his scalp make me swoon, and his piercing black eyes that burn into my soul hinder me from speaking as I wish. Also, his pink limps that perfectly curve into a grin and expose two dimples can enchant a spell on any female. Jimmy Darling is definitely an attractive person, but it's his actions that drive me away from him. I can't forgive his lies that nearly broke me.

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