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"N-" I yell before the large figure covers my mouth and yanks me out of bed. I try to scream for Jimmy's attention as the person drags me out of the trailer but my muffled cries don't disturb his slumber. When the cold air hits my face I try to take in my surroundings to see if anyone can help me, but the man, who has a mask on, is covering my mouth and eyes. He grunts and growls each time I kick and attempt to scream but does not speak no matter how many questions I ask.

Fifteen minutes later I've given up struggling and now feel my weak body turning to pudding in his large arms. However, my senses heighten when the man drops me on cold floor. I look around in the dim moonlit trailer and realize I'm in a makeshift cage. The large captor then shuts the chain lock and slowly backs up. "Why are you dong this?" I ask through sobs and breaths, but he only leans in closer and stares at me. After several moments he slams his hand on the metal wall, which causes me to crawl back in fear. Next, he switches on a lamp and steps into the light so I can finally get a better look at him. I begin to cry louder as I realize that my kidnapper is a clown- how ironic since they are meant to instill happiness, not fear.

He tries to hush my cries by motioning his hands up and down. After I quiet my sobs the man yanks something out of his dirty polka dot pants and begins to blow into. Once he twists it I realize he's making a balloon animal of some sort. He eventually slides the poodle shaped balloon through the metal bars, and I warily grab the creation with my shaky hands. "Thank you," I mutter while taking the gift and backing into a corner.

The strange clown bows before heading out; thus leaving me alone in the dark. I try to think of an escape plan but nothing will open this lock or break the metal bars. After an hour of trying to stretch my arm a bit further to reach the screwdriver on the table that is mere inches from my hand I finally give up.

I feel hopeless and on the verge of giving up until the door creeks open and I see the silhouette of a much leaner, and younger, man. "Hello?" I huff while trying to see whom my possible savior is. "Help me please! I've been kidnapped!" I yell, trying to get the person's attention, but instead of responding he slowly steps forward until light sheds on his face. "D-Dandy?" I whimper while rubbing my eyes. This can't be happening. I think the lack of sunlight and water has made me delusional.

It isn't until the figure walks closer and shouts, "Clementine!" that I know it's Dandy. He's now as close as possible to the barrier between us. I sit on my knees and cry, but not because I'm sad- because I'm happy. "What happened? I stumbled upon this place while talking a walk and became curious so I walked in. I can't believe this! We have to get you out!" he whispers while tugging on the lock. I explain how I was taken from my bed the other night and that the criminal is a clown while he tries to break the lock. Finally a few minutes later he jiggles the screwdriver just right to set me free. "Come on Clementine, let me get you some food and to a telephone," he says as he wraps his arms around my shaking body. I nod my head and take a deep breath; I never thought I would be happy to see Dandy.

He carries me for the five-minute walk but I don't say anything because I'm too exhausted and confused to speak. Also I don't understand why he's helping me since the last time we spoke it seemed obvious that he would be the last person to save me.

However things must have changed because he gently slides my aching body into his car and carefully drives off to the dinner we had our first date, avoiding all the bumps in the road. "Here's a quarter, doll. Dial whomever you need and let them know you're alright," Dandy says while placing a shiny coin in my palm. I nod my head and hop out of his expensive car with a blanket wrapped around my bruised body. While strolling to the familiar telephone booth I remember the scene Dandy made the first time we ate here and cringe. He seems to be on his best behavior tonight, which is comforting, but also could snap at any moment. He should really see a doctor about his mood swings.

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