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I run after Jimmy into the cold night and spot him arguing with a man but cannot make out who it is, so I hide behind a tree just incase anything happens.

The bickering becomes louder and more intense until the man shoves Jimmy and then a fight breaks out. I allow them to duke it out until I see the person reach for something in his pants back pocket; that's when I run from behind and shove the man to the ground. When I do so I realize it is Dandy Mott, which only infuriates me more. How dare he come back here after all he's done? Is he that much of a moron that he doesn't understand that I do not want him?

"Dandy!" I scream on the top of my lungs as Jimmy grabs the gun from the ground. "What the hell is wrong with you? Can't you see I don't want to go out with you?"

He stands up and brushes the dirt off his white suit as if nothing happened. He then begins to chuckle loudly and even throws his head back. "Oh Clementine. Sweet, naïve Clementine. I'm far over you and your deceiving ways." He pauses for reactions but I hold mine back in order to withhold my anger that he is desperately seeking. "I'm actually here for Jimmy. You see, that little altercation we had the other night wasn't our first. He's done... well, let's just say he isn't the man you may think he is." He turns to Jimmy with a smirk and then back to me. "Now, Clementine, as for you. I can ruin you easily- just by calling you a whore." I glare at him but pay no mind to his empty threat because I'm positive he would kiss me with the snap of my fingers. "Jimmy," he says and turn to face the Lobster Boy, "I'll be back to get vengeance for Abigail. Don't think you've seen the last of me," Dandy shouts before stomping off to his car in the distance.

Once the engine roars and the sound of his tires fade I turn to Jimmy to ask what that was about but when I look for him he's already on his way back to the trailer. I ponder whether or not to ask him about it and decide to because he's threatening the entire freakshow. I take a deep breath and slowly walk to his door while wondering all the possible explanations. He could have corrupted her and then she became crazy, or perhaps he got her pregnant and she killed herself from shame.

Before I have time to create any other scenarios in my head, Jimmy opens the door with a smile. "Hey," he murmurs before allowing me in. "Are you alright?" he asks with concern and patting the seat next to him on his hard leather couch.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just frazzled from all the chaos." He nods and motions his hand to the cup of coffee next to him. I shake my head but thank him.

I decide to slowly ask about what Dandy meant so I don't bombard him. "So, Jimmy, wh-where were we before Dandy interrupted us?" I ask and then realize how awkward I made things. "I-I want you to be able to come to me when you're upset. I hate to see you drunk and miserable. I am your friend Jimmy," I insist and smile at him.

He nods his head and places his hand on my knee. "Thank you Clem. It means a lot," he says with a smile and it takes all my will power not to kiss his adorable face.

After a few minutes of comfortable silence I decide it's time to ask about what happened. "So, um, this has been on my mind since the Dandy thing. What did he mean by he'll get vengeance? Who's Abigail?"

Jimmy looks at me and scoots away a few inches. "I...I don't want to talk about it right now Clementine," he says while looking at his fingernails.

I peer up at him with wide eyes. "B-but this affects all of us. Including me. And, Jimmy, I promise I won't judge you for what happened. You know, I love you." His eyes light up and I realize I may need to clarify. "As a friend, of course," I say and squeeze his hand.

"Clementine... I really appreciate your support but I'm just not ready to discuss it," he mumbles after his smile fades away.


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