Chapter 29 - Seized

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When you think that someone is bad, you generally don't place your trust in them. You are wary of them all of the time. You keep tabs on their whereabouts when they are in close proximity to you. It had all happened so suddenly.

One moment Sienna and I were shopping for her engagement party and the next we were surrounded by about fifteen men in the empty parking lot.

"Come with us, now. Vinchenzo wants you." The man told me as my eyes trained on the gun he had attempted to hide in his denim jacket.

"What does he want?" I asked. I knew Vinchenzo hadn't asked for me, and if he had he would have sent someone Sienna and I know. Not some random people we had never seen before. I was engaging in conversation trying to buy myself time.

"I am not sure he didn't tell us." The man gruffly answered as he signalled to two men and they grabbed my arm harshly.

"Let me go!" I hissed and began thrashing around, trying all the moves I knew. I was able to get rid of the two men holding me but I couldn't fight off the five that handcuffed me.

"Don't fight you, stupid girl. There's a lot more of us." Another man said as he cocked his head to the side. He had a thick Scottish accent.

"Don't kidnap people, you stupid man," I yelled back at him.

He had nothing to say. I watched as contempt clouded his eyes and he lifted his hand and landed a blow to my cheek. I felt my teeth rattle as my face stung. I looked at him, expressionless.

"Keep your mouth shut if you know what's best for you and blondie." He hissed as he gestured towards Sienna who was terrified.

"What do you want... money? Our phones?" I questioned.

He didn't answer.

"Should we put them in, Sir?" Another man asked. 

"Throw them in and step on it, Oscar." 

Oscar signaled to the men and they hurriedly pushed us roughly into the van. They stripped us of our watches and devices before they chained us to the van wall. Oscar tugged at the chains to make sure that we were tightly attached before he walked out and shut the van door, leaving us in complete darkness.

"Non potevo avvisarli in tempo!" Sienna whispered but I didn't understand what she had said.

"What?" I asked.

"I could not tell them." She whispered lowly before look

"Darn it!" I cussed as I looked around the van.

"If only I had night vision." I murmured in the dark.

"It'll be okay, Ari. We will be fine." Sienna said assuringly. I had a feeling she was trying to reassure herself more than convince me.

"We will be. They will find us." I answered her, trying to calm her panic, "Did you see any crest on them? Something that will help us to know where we are headed off to?"

Sienna huffed, "I think they belong to Stalias..." She hesitated before continuing, "I don't know. I'm just guessing by the color of the leader's chain. It was blue."

I sighed, "I thought the FBI got rid of this man."

"Guess his groupies are out to get revenge." Sienna said with a loud sneeze, "Sorry."

"Don't worry. Vinchenzo will find us."

"How? I'm not wearing my earrings that have the tracking devices." Sienna said with a sigh.

I reached up with a small bit of hope only to realize that I, too, wasn't wearing the pair Vinchenzo had given me. Oh, if I had not been so stubborn about being tracked! I thought to myself as I fiddled with my ruby promise ring.

"When we get to our location, we should comply with what they ask. Not the outrageous stuff though." I said to Sienna.

"Like walk, sit, and eat?" She asked.

"Yes. The stuff that can be done." 

"Okay." Sienna whispered.

Sienna and I sat in silence and darkness. It felt like days but in reality a few hours if not a few minutes when the vehicle came to a complete standstill and didn't move. 

"This is it," I whispered as we heard lots of noises coming from outside.

"Ten on the redhead. She's a fighter." Oscar said as he swung the van doors open and a bunch of men rushed in and grabbed ahold of Sienna and me.

"Not so brave now." He sneered and I rolled my eyes with a huff.

Sienna glanced at me and I knew she was worried that I would run my mouth but I was smarter than that. From all my years of experience I knew that sometimes remaining silent was the answer and in this situation, I completely agreed with that.

The men escorted us into what appeared to be an abandoned warehouse in the middle of a forest. Sienna and I were placed in the same room and chained to separate chairs that were wide apart. 

"Are you scared?" I asked as I watched her pale face.

She nodded before tears started streaming down her face. I watched as she looked at her stomach with tender care.

"You'll be okay." I said to her as I kept my thoughts to myself.

"I never got a chance to tell Dante that we have a mini us on the way." She sobbed, "And now he'll never know about our child."

"Don't say that!" I gently chastised, "We will get out of here and Dante will know about his child. I promise you that I will try everything in my power to make sure you get out of here alive."

"You must make it out too." She sniffled.

I looked away, "If the Stalias groupies are the ones behind this then it's my porblem to deal with. You should not have been dragged into this."

"Ari-" She began but I cut her off.

"I heard stress is bad for the baby," I smiled with teary eyes, "Please don't stress. Let me think of something." 

Sienna nodded as she tried to relax into the chair. 

Hours passed by and no one spoke. No one came in to the abandoned room either. I could see that Sienna was starving as she kept on looking longingly at the door and little grumbling sounds were emitting out her belly.

In the moment, I knew that I had to at least try to escape. Even if the plan failed. I had to get Sienna out of this place before something went wrong with her pregnancy. I wasn't going to be able to live with myself if I knew her baby was harmed because of me. I didn't want to bear that guilt with me for the rest of my life.

However, one thing did keep me hopefully. I was hoping that Vinchenzo would already have been alerted about us being missing and I knew, or strongly hoped, that he was doing everything in his power to find us and bring us both back home.

Hey Reddies!

I just wanted to apologise for not updating on time. We've been having a lot of Wifi problems recently as our fibre line was accidentally cut by some construction workers.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Please let me know if you liked it by leaving a vote and let me know what you think is going to happen next! 

next update: 2 September 2022



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